Does anyone have a good recipe that incorporates kimchee?

lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
Due to a health issue, I'm transitioning to a more Paleo Auto-immune Protocol (AIP) diet. As a result, I'm eating more fruits and vegetables and a lot less processed foods, sugar and carbohydrates.

Consistent with trying new things and eating more healthy, I recently picked up a jar of kimchee (or gimchi), which is a traditional fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings.

I do like it, but I think I would like it more if I incorporated it into other recipes. Does anyone have a good recipe, for a main dish or a side dish, that incorporates kimchee and is low in carbohydrates and sugar?


  • fitnesspal1256
    fitnesspal1256 Posts: 27 Member
    You can add it late to a beef or chicken stir fry to add a little spice. You can also make a bibimbap without the rice!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I usually just eat it with rice, sometimes adding some seaweed paper...but if you are looking for low carb, then rice may not be what you are seeking...I have seen people eat it plain or eat it with just meat/veg, in that case they usually use the kimchi as kind of a wrap and the meat/veg as filling...that's just too strong for me, I like it with rice because it cuts the spicyness could probably use cauliflower "rice" which would be low carb...or add it to zucchini noodles or other vegetable noodles...
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    As for AIP, I'm not sure if things like nightshades, certain oils, eggs, or nuts/seeds are things you're avoiding right now, so these may not be appropriate, but they are free of grains, legumes, and sugars.

    I've wanted this Korean style burger since I stumbled on it. Just eat it without the bun and make your own mayo (or buy one that works for you).

    Kimchi chicken salad

    Kimchi ramen (you can use noodled vegetables in place of the ramen)

    Kimchi chicken cabbage stir fry

    Squash shiitake kale kimchi stew

    Korean kimchi tofu soup

    Brussels sprouts with kimchi and bacon
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    Just made kimchee with a friend. Try it with chicken or turkey sausage. Or as a salad dressing alternative. Also good in scrambled eggs or with veggie chips.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Thank you all; this has been very helpful.
  • knipeanne97
    knipeanne97 Posts: 5 Member
    I know this was last year but i can't help but comment haha. You can try to make kimchi soup. Super easy as long as the kimchi has fermented for a while. What's also tasty is this salad i make that i normally eat with lean beef. Thinly slice green onions, onions, carrots, and lettuce then add a very small amount of salt and vinegar and spicy pepper flakes to taste. Also cucumber kimchi is super super easy to make. But use the smaller ones because the english cucumber doesnt pair well. Most people add chives to this amd you wont need a lot of the fermented shrimp or fish sauce that some people put in regular kimchi. Its pretty good with tuna as well. If you can have rice (brown rice and mixed grains are fine too) you can make bibimbap that doesnt require cooking if you dont use any meat. Its an assortment of veggies and kimchi paste and some kimchi as well. Though some pastes can have corn syrup so you might have to look for an organic one...if you can, kinda hard to find. Or! You can make a tasty kimchi omelette, just dont add too much or you wont taste any egg haha.