In need of a good workout! help?

amontroy1 Posts: 14
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I spend 30mins Mon-Thurs on the elliptical and count calories and have lost 6lbs in a month. Starting this week I will be in the gym 6 days a week. I feel like I need to do something else in the gym to continue losing weight or I might hit my plateau. I still feel like the elliptical is giving me a good workout because I'm still drenched in sweat when I leave. Lol! I have access to the gym at my college so I have pretty much any machine available to me. I'm not really interested in building tons of muscles because I am a small female but I'd just like to continue cutting down the fat and toning a little. I'm at 135lbs right now and want to be at 120lbs eventually. Any help would be amazing! Thanks in advance! :)


  • Annieminnesota
    Annieminnesota Posts: 111 Member
    Running has helped me! I did the couch to 5k and lost many inches and lbs!
  • Hjf1975
    Hjf1975 Posts: 1
    Hi Im Heidi I have been on this diet for a few months now and I do the same I use the elliptical But I feel like I hit my plateau at 130 I would love to see if anyone has any ideas on how to lose a liitle more I dont have a gym membership though I just workout at home..
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Strength training and lifting weights. It will not make you bulk up and get man-like muscles. I do it 3-4 times a week and my arms are starting to look model worthy and no where near bulky. Cardio is great, but lifting weights can help you burn more fat. I'm not sure about machines at a gym, but I use Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones and it is amazing. It's a 40 minute workout all with weights. I use 5lb ones even though they recommend 3lb and have gotten some amazing results. Good luck :)
  • goblue443
    goblue443 Posts: 50
    I think the Jillian Michael's Workout videos are really good. I use 30 day shred when I don't have a ton of time (most days) and I can definitely feel the burn. They're only 20 minute workouts too. I've also heard good things from other friends about her "No More Trouble Zones" video. They are cardio/toning intervals. She uses weights but I just used full water bottles before I invested in 5 lb dumbells. I like these videos because they are short and the moves are constantly changing through the 20 minute workout. I get too bored just running for 30 minutes.
  • Absolutely try weight training! If you feel you've hit a plateau, it's one of the best things you can do. I recommend weights before cardio. Once a week for full body, or a different muscle group every 2-3 days (for example: Mon = abs. est. time: 6 mins. Wed = arms and back. est. time: 15mins.) Simple weight training doesn't take long with just a few sets. It's unlikely you'll bulk up, and it does wonders for your health in a lot of different ways, great for prevention of diabetes II and improving HDL cholest. A little weight training goes a long way!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Definitely try weight training. Read "New rules of weight lifting for women" {or something to that affect} It explains the how, and why of strength training, as well as a couple of different plans to follow.
  • amontroy1
    amontroy1 Posts: 14
    Thanks ladies! Not the first time I've been told to do weight training. I just feel like I don't know where to start. I prefer to do the whole workout at the gym because when I get home my 3yr old son is with me and I also have cleaning, cooking...etc to do and my "drive" has worn off by the time I get home from the gym. Lol! I guess I will start using the machines for arms and back at the gym and see how that goes. Good luck to you all! :)
  • the Arc trainer, running, Zumba, and Kick
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