Any other Pregnant Mamas?

Hi everyone. I recently started up again here on MFP because my OB gave me an ultimatum about *only* being allowed to gain an additional 6lbs this pregnancy, and I was hoping there are some other pregnant mamas on here who are in the same/similar situations and would want to be accountability buddies/offer support.


  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    My OB gave me 15-20 for my whole pregnancy. I've been doing really well keeping it in check without denying myself any of the things I know that me and baby need. I just work on making good solid food choices and trying to stay away from the junk food. I also think about my cravings before giving into them, and try to find healthy alternatives for any junk food cravings.
  • ariamariam
    ariamariam Posts: 4 Member
    hi there! i just had a pregnancy test and it was positive. Although i am ready for baby n2, i wish i won't put on too much weight like i did with my first onw. still had 2kg to lose from the first one. what do you eat when you have cravings? how do you cope with it?