Not Hungry

brittany33107 Posts: 38
Do you guys ever find it hard to hit your calorie goal?? When I first starting I felt like I was starving and as soon as one meal was over I was counting the hours til the next one. And now, when it comes towards the end of the day I'm usually not even close to 1200 and feel like I'm having to really talk myself into eating more to hit 1200. The last couple of days I have not met 1200 cause I really just was NOT hungry and didn't want to eat. What do you guys do about that??


  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I just finished eating and I'm stuffed, but I worked out and still have over 800 calories left!! I don't want to eat when i'm full...
  • Great question! I'm in the same boat. I just started today and am super full from dinner and still have 350 cal to eat. Do you have to eat all your calories in order to see results???
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Try adding high calorie healthy foods to your day...

    -cooking with olive oil
    -peanut butter with your fruit as a snack
    -avocados or guacamole on your sandwiches
    -eating almonds or nuts

    ... those are healthier ways to make your calorie goals :)
  • Yes, I have this same problem. My trainer has me eating 5 meals packed with veggies and protein spaced about every 3 to 4 hours so sometimes I have to choke the food down. I've noticed as I've increased my protein and activity my appetite will go up when it's time to eat. She just told me today that since we are burning 1000 calories during training that only eating 1300 calories a day is not enough and that I need to eat more. She's allowing me some "junk" to help fill in the calorie gap. Funny thing is that after eating so strict for this time I'm having trouble wanting to eat junk. I do know that if you don't eat enough your body will try to hold onto every single calorie and defeat any weight loss goals you may have. I suggest you try to add some calories somewhere even if it's from condiments or something like a handful of nuts just to get you to your calorie goal. Good luck!
  • I am in the same boat alot of the time. I have been trying to fix it by eating snacks, like nuts or something like that. It does help. In my opinion, once in a while eating under might be ok, just don't make a habit out of it or your body might go into starvation mode.
  • Skinny_Mocha
    Skinny_Mocha Posts: 208 Member
    I'm having the same issue right now. Suddenly I'm not eating enough, which is weird because I've had a lot of junk food the past few days. But I don't feel like eating anything more. I'm worried I'm going to go into starvation mode, too.
  • goldnanoparticle
    goldnanoparticle Posts: 37 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this, because I was honestly on my way to post the same thing. I was beginning to think I was the only dieter in the world who didn't like eating more. Today I was about halfway through my calories, then I went to the gym (before dinner), and it set me all the way back to 1200 - I was not thrilled. I have to workout to lose weight, but there's no way I'm finishing the rest of my calories for the day - even though dinner helped a bit with reducing the deficit.

    It gets frustrating having MFP tell me every day that I'm undereating everyday, yet I continue to have positive results and it tells me with green numbers and a great outlook that I've done right.
  • calih1983
    calih1983 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not the only one! Yay! I am in the same boat with usually around 500 cal. Left at the end of the day. I too am seeing positive results but I don't want to harm my body...
  • I will definitely try the quick calorie tricks like peanut butter and assorted nuts. I had been doing really well at dropping the lbs since i started only about 3 weeks ago. but the past 5 days or so I have actually gained 2 lbs and have been eating less and exercising everyday. I think that as long as you're still feeling well then everything is ok. However I haven't been drinking much water lately and have had a loss of energy. SO, I'm thinking that maybe I should start eating a little more. I didn't really think that 300 cals a day would make a difference but in my case I think maybe it has. Keep in mind I have my goal set at 1200 and that is supposedly the minimum that we all should have. Thanks for you input, everyone!
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