Motivation And Friends

angelicacorrea178 Posts: 4 Member
edited June 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Here I Go Again

So again I am starting over and trying to lose at least 30 lb. This is like my 100th attempt and I figured maybe some motivation and friends might be helpful. I can't be the only one struggling this much. Right ?

It's gotten to the point where I am no longer myself. I no longer take pictures or want to be in any photos. I don't really want to be outside and I keep to myself. This isn't me but I know it's the weight gain so any motivation would help.

Friends Are Welcomed


  • ShanikwaFit4Life
    ShanikwaFit4Life Posts: 21 Member
    The struggle is real, lol! I completely understand where you are coming from. Starting and stopping like a broken record. I'm hoping to make this my last time starting this journey and hoping to motivate and be motivated.
  • angelicacorrea178
    angelicacorrea178 Posts: 4 Member
    Happy to know I'm not alone nor am I the only one going through this struggle ❤
  • richarddavis196
    richarddavis196 Posts: 10 Member
    Motivation and Encouragement ALWAYS helps! I'm on my 2nd week (Keto style) and am down 10 pounds!!!!! Good luck!
  • ElviGar
    ElviGar Posts: 10 Member
    I so know what you mean..ive gone from someone who use to always take selfies to not even want to take a pic of myself, i try to get out to places where there will be less ppl so i wont feel so uncomfortable. It always seems to be a struggle with what to wear nothing makes me feel comfortable. Ive gone from 270 last August to 237 just doing a lil walking ,calorie counting and making better choices but with 4 kiddos its sometimes hard. Little by lil every pound lost adds up... Dont give up!
  • angelicacorrea178
    angelicacorrea178 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks so much I know it is super hard but we will did it this to be we have to.. now it's all about having a positive attitude. We have to do whay has to be done. For us an d for those around us.
  • 36patti
    36patti Posts: 6 Member
    4 years ago i was able to lose 84 lbs of my 100 goal. I was so close to my goal, but I began to slip on my diet. I use to love buying clothes and going out. Now I go to work and come home. My motivation has fallen once I started gaining the weight back again. Having others around to help motivate helps in times of lows.
  • angelicacorrea178
    angelicacorrea178 Posts: 4 Member
    Omg yes now I don't even want to buy clothes or anything because even that puts me in a bad mood I feel like nothing firs the way I would love it to.
  • KarySalsera2523
    KarySalsera2523 Posts: 16 Member
    I feel you!!! Im starting again for like 5th time. Is my second day today and feel motivated hope it stay like that. Im new to these site but hope it helps
  • SelfConscious17
    SelfConscious17 Posts: 7 Member
    edited June 2017
    As of 06/01/2017 I have started my weight loss journey to improve how I feel about my outside. I personally have struggled with being self conscious about my weight since I was young. Add me and we can motivate each other through this . #dreambody
  • Boburrito
    Boburrito Posts: 1 Member
    I've really been struggling with motivating myself to exercise. I used to be super athletic all through childhood and high school, but ever since college I've really slipped on my fitness. Being an architect, working long hours in studio I just simply didn't have the time for exercise. But now, two years in and 40 pounds heavier, I need to make a change. For my happiness, for my health, for my mental well being. If anyone wants to talk feel free to message me and we can motivate each other!
  • soprano365
    soprano365 Posts: 2 Member
    Great NSV today. I was at a family function this afternoon and my aunt asked me how my program going. I told her that I lost about 20 pounds, and she said "Oh, that's nice." I then showed her my before (taken in August, 2016) and current photo. She couldn't believe it. She asked what I'm doing and I told her that I'm logging my food and doing Leslie. Thanks Leslie for all of the great workouts and inspiration.