I'm depressed and need a check in buddy, or help.

Hi everyone,

I've never used MFP forums before. Didn't even know they existed!

I desperately need an online friend or group to help keep me on track, and I would do the same for you. I'm thinking we could even use a group chat app to keep in touch and be friends and cheerleaders for each other. Anybody with similar goals?...

I'm 29, mother of twin 2.5 year old girls. I'm 5'2". I went from 130 to 157 while pregnant, dropped to 130 after coming home from the hospital, and have been battling anxiety and depression issues along with emotional eating and drinking to cope with two toddlers (after they go to bed) and have shot up to 148, as of this morning. I am SO angry and depressed about it but have zero motivation to do anything. Hubby isn't supportive; he'll tell me to do what I need to do then say "Let's go get ice cream".

A little history though, I battled anorexia for a few years. It was extremely tough to recover and I don't want to tread those waters again. I went down from 200lbs to 87lbs (as far as I know) in two years and was extremely unhealthy. I can't fall into those habits again.

I just really need support and somewhere to turn when the craving for junk food and alcohol kicks in to cope with my days. Help.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    edited June 2017
    I quit drinking completely. It was the lynchpin in the whole mess and the best thing I've done, by far.

    As far as food, this is a great place to learn about nutrition. Set your goals and make it your mission in life to hit them as closely as possible. Some of the best things for depression and anxiety are healthy food and moderate daily exercise; preferably outdoors with your kids. :smile:

    I have been able to lose weight, banish depression and anxiety and finally find some peace in my life - I wish that for you as well.

  • Zenlady46
    Zenlady46 Posts: 20 Member
    I also have battled depression myself and I know the struggle well. You can add me as a friend if you like. :)
  • hartmajella
    hartmajella Posts: 21 Member
    In the same boat! Add me if you like ☺
  • MOMfit4life
    MOMfit4life Posts: 46 Member
    Add me! MOMfit4life
  • hoofingchick
    hoofingchick Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Kittyprius, Firstly well done for reaching out. Toddlers and Twins can't be easy and putting yourself first can be hard, time consuming and guilt ridden but worth it in the end, a happy mum, happy kids. Please add me too if you wish and happy for a group too.
  • maggiecsan
    maggiecsan Posts: 4 Member
    I battle with anxiety and depression as well. Getting MFP was the first step I took. Three weeks later I am already down 6 lbs. my fiancé loves sweets so I understand your frustration with that. I've found if I log everything I eat and have my calories in for the day it keeps me motivated to stay away from the sweets he's indulging in. But guess what? Now that he's seen me eating better and making progress, he's on board. He went out and bought fruits for us to snack on instead of m&m's and ice cream. Maybe eating healthy is contagious! Keep your chin up. You can do it! Add me as a friend too if you'd like
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have issues with depression as well. Drinking, even though in the moment it helps... it makes it worse over the long run. Also, I've had a much easier time making sure I stay active and that I eat properly when I save drinking (maybe a few beers) for the weekend. This way I have a pretty good guideline - I don't have to make the choice between drinking or not during the week. I don't keep alcohol in the house during the week, and only fill my 1 litre growler on the weekends (which helps keep me from over-indulging... there's limited access, and I'm too lazy to go to the store more than once a week).

    Kids are hard, yo. You're in a particularly frustrating patch, too. It gets better. My girls are 7 & 9, and there are days when I was surprised we all made it. But it genuinely gets better.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Jodelieh
    Jodelieh Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Beauty, what a struggle. I know how it feels I have a ongoing struggle with depressions and have to kids (not twins, but 19 months apart) and I am a living (yeah I have been there) proof that life can change. No it is still not easy and I struggle, but I love life and especially my life! I am going to add you and if you need a talk know that I am here for you, maybe in a different timezone, but still here with two ears to listen and a digital shoulder to cry on.
  • josefinejem
    josefinejem Posts: 256 Member
    Another here who has battled depression and anxiety. Definitely an emotional eater too!! In the moment, I just don't care - how does gaining weight matter when NOTHING matters, right? I do believe there's a way out though, and happy to offer any support I can. I will add you!
  • pcarp0602
    pcarp0602 Posts: 4 Member
    I completely understand and am there right with you. I've had weight issues all my life and had emotional and mental abuse about it from family members to accompany it. I just recently had my 2nd child I got up to 205lbs just before birth and 2 weeks later I'm at 171. I look in the mirror and can think nothing but negative and terrible thoughts about what I see. I now have tiny stretch marks around my bellybutton and hips and feel like nothing is gonna help me get back to being fit and looking attractive to my husband. I truly have postpartum depression and look to food for comfort and then feel even more terrible. Just wish I had some kind of motivation to help. Add me if youd like maybe we can be each others support.
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    Hey I'm a mom of three kids ages 3,6, and 8. I had post partum depression after my last 2 pregnancies. I'll send you a friend request.
  • kelsiestoner
    kelsiestoner Posts: 78 Member
    I may not be in the same boat but I'm in a very similar one. On top of clinical depression I struggled with addiction for 2 years and since getting clean I've gained about 60 pounds. I'm not in the best head space right now, so maybe we can help each other get back on track. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    Ugh. I get it. I have two boys aged 10 and almost 14. I am a SAHM and I homeschool. The older one is a high functioning autistic person. (One of the reasons we homeschool).

    Lately the kids have been tag teaming me with general shittiness. It makes me want to run away and escape (which is what you are doing too)
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    Oh, I have anxiety (and so do the kids) but my depression is seasonal, so other than being overwhelmed at least the sun is helping.

    I am starting to take bs and d though, because that should help with brain chemistry.