Beginner at the Gym

I started my meal plan about 3 weeks ago and it's going great. I've now started going to the gym but I'm really not sure what to do. (I go to LA Fitness if anyone is familiar.) I am trying to reduce fat, lose weight, and build a bit of lean muscle.

I don't feel comfortable just yet going into the free weights area, but hopefully soon I will. I feel really comfortable on the strength and cardio machines. They also have a pool and workout classes (I'm typically there around Zumba time).

My questions are: Can I do all my workouts on the machines, or do free weights offer better workouts? Cardio before or after resistance? When should I stretch? How long should I spend at the gym if I go 3 days a week? What should a pre/post workout meal consist of (%Carbs/Protein/Fat)? Can you suggest some exercises I shouldn't miss out on?

Thank you!


  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
    You can do all your workouts on the machines but head to the free weight room instead. All the exercises you do on the machines can be done with free weights. Watch & learn. Research proper form so you don't injure yourself. I wish I had started sooner with free weights. The big boy room was very intimidating but I got over it quickly.
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    Don't stretch before lifting. Just do about a 5 minute warm-up walking or jogging, anything to get the blood flowing. Also, I don't think you really need a pre workout drink. 30-45 minute 3 times a week is good. My postworkout drink is chocolate milk. You have an hour window after your workout for a recovery drink. Pushups, planks, squats are all good. If you're not sure how to do an exercise, ask someone or you can find it on you tube. Hope this helps.
  • ldwatene
    ldwatene Posts: 150 Member
    edited June 2017
    Sounds like you've done a little research and just need confirmation on a few things.

    You can hit every muscle group on machines but free weights provide more range of motion and allows you to work muscles from different angles making it easier to mix up your workouts. Your body will eventually get use to a machine routine so mixing it up is essential for continued growth.

    Weights first as you have the most energy and can lift heavier weights. Cardio at the end.

    Stretch between weight sets as you are resting. If you are still feeling sore at the end you can stretch a bit more as well. No need to stretch at the start. Always lift next to no weight for your first couple sets to warm that muscle area up before going heavier. As for how long you should workout, that's variable, you'll know if you've had a decent workout.

    Pre and post workout meals are dependent on what you can stomach. I personally have a little carbs and protein an hour before and more protein afterwards. Both in shake form.

    Good luck. If your diary is open you should add me as a friend. I always struggle getting in creative meals so like to get ideas from others.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    My trainer has started me on machines to ensure correct form and good mind/muscle coordination. Makes sense. I was keen to be let loose in the free weights section but he's spot on with advice so I'll listen to him. Cardio after strength training. Apart from what my trainer makes me do (those horrible burpees) I do things that I get a buzz from otherwise I won't keep going. I do 2 x 30 min personal training sessions (strength circuits), 2 x 1 hr weights sessions (upper and lower body), 2 x pilates classes (for mobility etc), and 1 x zumba class (for fun). I have 1-2 days off per week. I train early morning, ie fasted, so have half a protein shake beforehand and the other half afterwards.