Really need to get fit

So I'm 45 and a grandma four times over. I was thin without trying the first 21 years of my life and then began slowly but surely expanding to my current very almost 300 pounds.

Now my last child of mine is graduating next year, and since I had my first two when I was 17 and 19, I was never an adult who wasn't actively raising a child.

But guess what? That last kid? She's going to college! And I will be an adult who's only responsible for myself. And with a job solely done on my laptop I can travel!

I'm not as alarmed by my weight as I should be. Much more by my female pattern baldness, but Rogaine and I are working on that.

But I do know that I'll be able to do more things and feel more comfortable in a smaller package, so I'm going to start with just tracking what I eat and keeping track of my steps.

So here I go! How are you folks doing on your journeys? Do share. Inspire! Boast! Opine about how sad it is that cookies have so many useless calories!!


  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    Congrats on doing for you!
    FYI...thin oreos only have 140 calories for 4, with a cup of is so tasty. In my opinion, there are no useless If it makes me happy it is worth it. Gotta work it in and work for it though.
    If you haven't already planned so, get a food scale to weigh your portions. It is an eye opener for sure. Measuring cups and spoons are surprisingly wonky.
    You sound like you have a really fun personality. Will send you a friend request. I might be a tad stodgy so I could use some entertainment in my feed :smiley:
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    Hi there! I'm 44 and a single mom, my one-and-only son is starting college in the fall, too! He's going to live at home, but there's something about him being 18 that makes me want to reclaim my life, and just be responsible for myself like you said!
    I started here early this year and I'm just over halfway to my goal. I still eat cookies, the sad thing for me these days is clothes that are too big now! I really liked some of them and they're just too big. I know, it's a great problem to have, right?
    I love to travel, so I envy your laptop-based job! Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • knittinjen
    knittinjen Posts: 6 Member
    Kathryn247 wrote: »
    Hi there! I'm 44 and a single mom, my one-and-only son is starting college in the fall, too! He's going to live at home, but there's something about him being 18 that makes me want to reclaim my life, and just be responsible for myself like you said!
    I started here early this year and I'm just over halfway to my goal. I still eat cookies, the sad thing for me these days is clothes that are too big now! I really liked some of them and they're just too big. I know, it's a great problem to have, right?
    I love to travel, so I envy your laptop-based job! Add me as a friend if you'd like!

    I have been trying to add you as a friend but don't know how. Grr. Zephie added me and that worked so if you know how, add me! I think I would love to talk to someone else as we go through this fantastic having a life of our own again thing!! Well in my case for the first time. One of my earliest thoughts was to do fostercare and then I was like, self, are you freaking nuts????!!! FREEDOM!!!! Embrace it!! I'm even moving far enough away from the grandkids that I so sadly
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    HI. I have logged into MFP for 591 days but lost motivation about 500 of them ago. I am 45 and a grandma also. I had my first child at 16 and now my 3rd- and last- has graduated from high school and is enrolled in college. I still have 2 children and a grandchild living with us, but it definitely feels like a new chapter in my life.

    I am looking for friends to help keep me motivated!
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    Not grandparents, but Kate's twins (my stepsons) both turned 19 this year. One is out doing his own thing, and the other is still with us but starting college in the fall. It's been a big transition for Kate, but she did the same thing and used it as an opportunity to work on her! We're both within spitting distance of our first big goals, then we'll set new ones! We work out at home six days a week at this point, and things couldn't be better! If anyone wants to know more, add me and feel free to ask questions!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Hey! Welcome!