Why do I feel this way?

I've lost about 25 pounds now, with about 35 or so more to go. Two or three weeks ago we went to visit friends that we haven't seen in about six months and some of them didn't even recognize me. I'm wearing clothes a few sizes smaller and I am feeling better most of the time.

While all of these things sound great , I just don't see any of it. I look in the mirror and I see exactly what I saw before I ever started...I am still disgusted at the reflection looking back at me. I am still thoroughly unhappy with myself. I do not see any difference at all. I still see the same fat stomach, face, legs, etc... And, I hate when anyone comments on my weight loss because it makes me angry that they see what I can't...that I don't believe it...

None of this makes me want to veer off course, I haven't quit or given up once. I just feel so...defeated and broken...I don't know how to even like myself, let alone love myself.

Ugh. Sorry, this sounds like a diary entry and not a board post. I never reach out, I was just hoping that maybe I could find someone else who might understand or who could offer helpful advice...


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,735 Member
    I've lost about 25 pounds now, with about 35 or so more to go. Two or three weeks ago we went to visit friends that we haven't seen in about six months and some of them didn't even recognize me. I'm wearing clothes a few sizes smaller and I am feeling better most of the time.

    While all of these things sound great , I just don't see any of it. I look in the mirror and I see exactly what I saw before I ever started...I am still disgusted at the reflection looking back at me. I am still thoroughly unhappy with myself. I do not see any difference at all. I still see the same fat stomach, face, legs, etc... And, I hate when anyone comments on my weight loss because it makes me angry that they see what I can't...that I don't believe it...

    None of this makes me want to veer off course, I haven't quit or given up once. I just feel so...defeated and broken...I don't know how to even like myself, let alone love myself.

    Ugh. Sorry, this sounds like a diary entry and not a board post. I never reach out, I was just hoping that maybe I could find someone else who might understand or who could offer helpful advice...

    Great! Good for you! You are certainly not alone. It takes a while for the mind to catch up to the body, oddly enough. Keep going, get rid of the negative self-talk and thoughts completely. They are serving you no purpose and are zapping your energy.

    Have you taken recent pictures to use as comparison? I'm similar as you but also kind of opposite: I'm fine with what I see in the mirror but I can immediately take a picture and think, "Ugh! Who is that??? And why did I leave the house looking like this?"

    Self-love and self-confidence are things that require practice and constant nurturing regardless of our size. You're doing great!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I agree, who else do we meet on a daily basis, that we look at so closely as we do ourselves. I think the idea of having new photos of yourself is a good one. Put old and new side by side and you will see how well you are doing.
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    This happened to me as well, as we progress we start to get even more critical. I am not sure if you took a planned before picture but even if you didn't find a picture before you started your journey and put it next to a picture of yourself now. Based on the fact that you have dropped 25 pounds and your friends saw such a big difference, there was certainly a change.

    Unfortunately the mirror, without any basis for comparison, does not do the best job at showing our progress. Keep moving forward and goodluck!
  • ruthhowellwriter
    ruthhowellwriter Posts: 20 Member
    Goddess: I suggest that you take a few photos of yourself from the front and from behind. Then compare them to old photos. I think this will convince you that you're looking good and doing great.
  • bikecheryl
    bikecheryl Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited June 2017
    I've been over weight my whole adult life. I won't go into the long story but 13 years ago I finally got my *kitten* together and lost 105 lbs. It took me a while to adjust.

    I vividly remember having a panic attack in a shopping center parking lot.... hyperventilating, the whole bit. I felt like an impostor in my own skin and that everybody was gonna look at me realize it's all a lie.

    I know - Weird right ! :/ If your like me, you have a life time of feelings and self impressions to adjust. Be kind and give yourself a break. :)

    Having said that, I will now go back to getting my *kitten* together again and lose those pesky 105 lbs ;)
  • andyzee69
    andyzee69 Posts: 193 Member
    Let your clothes be your guide. I don't look any different, even though I've lost 20lbs but my waistline has shrunk so my clothes are telling me the weight is going. Sounds like your clothes are doing the same.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Well, there's good news and then there's bad news.

    Bad news first to get it out of the way. If you don't love yourself now losing weight isn't going to fix that.

    The good news is it's never too late to start loving yourself.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    edited June 2017
    I can relate with you to a degree... I have lost 60lbs and i am still in denial of the loss even though everyone who sees me tells me how fabulous I look and asks about my weight loss. Yet I am still wearing the same clothes with a spanx tank top under my shirts to hold up my pants even then I am in denial of the weight loss?? I went out and bought a new pair of pants and still bought them bigger than I actually am. I started taking transformation pics so that I can actually see my progress and it is starting to sink in but I am still in denial on what size clothes I actually take, it is so weird. I had absolutely no problem with confidence or self esteem being 260lbs as my happiness never revolved around the size of my body. I was a tight size 18 bathing suit last summer, walked into the store and bought the first bathing suit I tried on and rocked it all summer long... this year I am a comfortable 12/14 and have tried on over a dozen bathing suits and can not find one I actually like on me?? For me, I think I had a vision of what a 60lb weight loss would look like on me and well I couldn't have been anymore wrong in that vision. I still have 30-35lb to lose and I imagine at some point it will have to sink in but right now I am sailing on in denial. As long as I am healthy and fit I could care less what my body looks like.

    I do agree with everher that if you don't love yourself now, it won't matter how much weight you lose you are not going to suddenly love yourself. I would focus on loving yourself first because your "at goal" weight isn't going to look like you think it should look and at some point in your life you need to be able to love the perfectly imperfect reflection in the mirror. Good luck!
  • Goddess0921
    Goddess0921 Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you, all of you, truly and deeply. No, I haven't really taken many photos...before or recently. I do have a couple from prior to my weight loss that I can use as a "before", so I will do as most of you have recommended and take a few current photos and compare.

    I know that weight loss will not bring self-love...I guess I at least thought it might bring self-like...unfortunately, that's not the case. And, I have no idea where to start to feel those things. I'm a work in progress and I'll just keep working. :-)
  • cwyattlay
    cwyattlay Posts: 1 Member
    I second BZAH10's advice to "get rid of the negative self-talk and thoughts completely." Sounds simple, but easier said than done. I found that meditation and developing a 'mindfulness' practice has helped immensely. I would recommend this as a starting point, and if that isn't enough maybe talk to a professional (which has helped as well).
  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 75 Member
    Believe me...there are so many that "feel ya".... I don't really have a good answer for you but I will tell you what my Trainer told me...the problem with being negative is that it becomes a habit...a self destructive cycle that is hard to break and will hinder your progress if you allow it...it is way more important to focus on what you have accomplished...pick up some weights or something else that has the same amount of weight that you lost...carry it around a bit...then set it down and let it sink in that YOU LOST THAT MUCH!! That is *kitten* amazing!!! Celebrate! The road ahead of you will take care of itself if you keep your head in the game... You can do it!!!
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I didn't have any pictures before I lost a lot of weight, so when I start to feel really fat and ugly, I go to the clothing store and pick up a pair of jeans in the size I wore at my biggest (18) and my current size (8) and hold them up against each other to see the difference in the size. It's a good visual reminder of how much I've lost, even though I still feel like I look just as fat as ever.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    I feel your pain. I've lost 16 lbs and I still look like a giant tub of lard. I'm not getting off track. It's just made me more determined and working to lessen my eating more and increase my calorie deficit
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Thank you, all of you, truly and deeply. No, I haven't really taken many photos...before or recently. I do have a couple from prior to my weight loss that I can use as a "before", so I will do as most of you have recommended and take a few current photos and compare.

    I know that weight loss will not bring self-love...I guess I at least thought it might bring self-like...unfortunately, that's not the case. And, I have no idea where to start to feel those things. I'm a work in progress and I'll just keep working. :-)

    We all have to start somewhere. I had low self esteem for a lot of my life. There's books and things (as much as I hate self help books they are at times helpful).

    What I did, as cheesy as this sounds, is I would stand in front of a mirror once a day where I could see myself and I would I tell myself that I loved me. It was a concept I picked up someplace or other that if you say something enough you start to believe it. I would look at the good things about myself instead of pointing out the negative. For instance, instead of focusing on my thighs that I hate I would notice how nice my smile was or how pretty my hair was.

    I also made a list of all the things I liked about myself (not physical characteristics, but actual character traits) and I made myself look at it a lot. It must've taken me weeks to actually compile the list because when you are negative about yourself these types of things don't come to you quickly, but actually making myself think about the good in me and the things I liked about myself helped me to appreciate who I am and love myself.