Holiday gain

Been on holiday and slipped put on four pound so no bronzed goddess for me more like a fat lobster lol back on it today I can do this


  • lzbthcwik182
    lzbthcwik182 Posts: 12 Member
    Going on vacation next week and worried that I will get totally off track. Any advice??
  • vlhill11
    vlhill11 Posts: 53 Member
    Just try and pick healthier options where possible, try and stay active and don't let a bad day out you off track @izbthcwik182
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I went away for two weeks, sort of tried not to eat too much, came back Sunday up 3 pounds. It's not the end of the world. Enjoy your vacation. Maintenance is up or down 3-5 pounds. Even though I'm still losing, I considered it a maintenance break.
  • vlhill11
    vlhill11 Posts: 53 Member
    I was the same I intended to enjoy my holiday and just started again when I came back, it will become a task and boring if you deny yourself everything all the time
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Most, if not all of the weight is likely water, especially so if you went on an airplane.