I'm new here. Only 10 days in.

Probike2017 Posts: 3 Member
edited June 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. My name is Rich. I'm 10 days in and things are going slowly. I fell off the fitness wagon a year ago and piled on 12kgs! All due to looking after my kids on my own so not much time to myself. Bought a new indoor trainer so now time for it to come back off. Boy is it hard work! But I'm trying.
Anyone want to connect for encouragement?


  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    Hey Rich! I fell off a couple years ago too and gained back the weight I'd lost. I'm 39 days in this time around, it was super hard to get motivated at first, but now I've got momentum and I'm feeling great! I'll add you :)
  • Probike2017
    Probike2017 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Thanks.
    Your so right, it's the motivation and momentum. Especially as I'm getting older and time is limited. My main (only) exercise is cycling, I used to ride 500-600 miles per week. It's my hobby and my stress reliever. But the weather here in the UK has been so rubbish it's been hard to get out. I used to just go, but lately I just need to see clouds and I'm like...ummm looks like rain. Hence the new turbo, I now can't make any excuses! Plus I can fit in an hour here and there. You say you fell off too? What's your exercise regime before/now?
    Thanks, nice meeting you.
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    I have a little home gym set up with an elliptical and a Total Gym. I used to do 30 min cardio on my elliptical every morning, and walk my dog 2 miles every night, plus strength training 2-3 times a week. Now I'm doing 1 rest day a week, 2 strength training days, 2 easy cardio days, and 2 interval training days. But I've made huge progress with just logging my food and weighing out correct portions. After only a month I literally can't eat the out of control portion sizes I used to eat, my stomach lost all it's stretch and it hurts when I overeat now.
  • niecysj2560
    niecysj2560 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Rich, you are not the only one who fell off, I fell off too, now trying to get it back together, no doubt it is hard but well worth it, you can add me.