Help me exercise!

Hi. I'm trying my best to get on an actual exercise program, but it's hard (for me) with kids. I just feel like I'm taking time away from them and I feel bad. I've been trying to get up at 6 AM to do my DVD, then after they ate up we can go on a two mile walk. But I haven't been able to force myself to get up, so I don't want to walk, do the DVD while they are awake, meanwhile doing the chores. I just feel like that's all taking too much time from them. (Yes, I overthink things).

Now that it is summer and my oldest is out of school, he is signed up for activities and they both have library programs, so I don't know how to for everything in. I also wanted and was trying to do C25K, but now it's harder because I can only do it at night now.

I guess I'm just looking for moms and dads who get their fitness on to help me find a schedule that works for me. Taking the C25K out of the equation I'd like to at least walk 2 miles a day and do my DVD. The past two days I walked 2.20 miles (pushing a stroller) then just did a 30 day challenge including crunches, planks and push-ups, because I did not wake up to do the DVD. Please help me.


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    A two mile walk is exercise. Do what you can fit in or consider getting a babysitter for an hour. I'm a single parent and I workout on my lunch break. When I needed to an extra workout in for my competition prep I had a sitter come right after I tucked the kids in to sit there for an hour while I went to the gym.
  • SABoj
    SABoj Posts: 88 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself - with kids, keeping a strict schedule is difficult. But it sounds like you might be on to something with daily walks and/or exercise. :) For me personally, exercising first thing in the morning works the best. Yeah it can totally suck getting up before the rest of the house, but I found that I was more inclined to stick with it in the early AM vs. later in the day when I was totally exhausted. And now I look forward to some "me" time before starting the day. It doesn't always work out perfectly - there is still the occasional sick child, sick "me" or some other unavoidable issue that comes up (including hitting the snooze). I just don't take it so seriously anymore when a workout is missed - life happens. Depending on their ages - maybe try to get the kids involved in your walks or other exercises that may be age-appropriate for them. In the end, it's all about finding a balance that is right for you & your family. Keep up the good work.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I used to carry one kid in a sling on the stair master and let the other, older one, climb with me. I used to jog with one in a stroller also. I just fit it in. I never worried about my 30 min of exercise depriving me of kid time. Both my adult kids now exercise on their own, so I guess I set a good example. Walking counts. Push ups count.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Pernetta25 wrote: »
    Hi. I'm trying my best to get on an actual exercise program, but it's hard (for me) with kids. I just feel like I'm taking time away from them and I feel bad. I've been trying to get up at 6 AM to do my DVD, then after they ate up we can go on a two mile walk. But I haven't been able to force myself to get up, so I don't want to walk, do the DVD while they are awake, meanwhile doing the chores. I just feel like that's all taking too much time from them. (Yes, I overthink things).

    Now that it is summer and my oldest is out of school, he is signed up for activities and they both have library programs, so I don't know how to for everything in. I also wanted and was trying to do C25K, but now it's harder because I can only do it at night now.

    I guess I'm just looking for moms and dads who get their fitness on to help me find a schedule that works for me. Taking the C25K out of the equation I'd like to at least walk 2 miles a day and do my DVD. The past two days I walked 2.20 miles (pushing a stroller) then just did a 30 day challenge including crunches, planks and push-ups, because I did not wake up to do the DVD. Please help me.

    You are not going to "find" time. You have to make time.

    Walking 2 miles is great.

    Does your DVD have to be 30 minutes long? What I mean is can it be 3 x 10 minutes long.? Look up 10 minute workouts on YouTube. For DVDs (check your library) look for 10 Minute Solutions. Your DVD may be could just do part of it.

    Kids can sometimes be sedentary in the summer (no gym class). Is there a group activity you could all do together?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited June 2017
    We live such compartmentalized lives these days. "Fitness" doesn't have to be an adult thing that comes packaged on a DVD. Find ways to walk together places.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited June 2017
    The way I look at it, my exercise isn't taking time away from my kids...more like it's giving me more time with them because I'm improving my odds of living a longer and healthier life. My wife and I are also setting a positive example for kids think regular exercise is just normal because they see us doing it.

    Our kids also emulate us...both of my boys are really into riding and learned to ride at a very young age because they saw daddy always going for rides. My youngest (5) also plays soccer and my oldest (7) does Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and loves his "training". My youngest will likely take it up as well next year.

    We also spend time as a family doing recreational exercise activities...we go walk the dog...we go on family hikes...we hit the trail together for a recreational bike ride...we hit up the climbing gym once or twice per month...we go to the park and kick around the soccer ball or throw the football around, etc.

    ETA: spending 30-60 minutes doing some kind of exercise isn't really taking a whole lot of time from them relatively speaking...
  • lysa916
    lysa916 Posts: 13 Member
    I suck at making time to exercise! I am at work when the kids are at school and my days off I babysit my grandchildren. At night I am too tired. Once I take off my work clothes, I am done! So I try to exercise with the kids. They think it fun. Like a game! Or we just put on music and have random dancing moments! Even a walk to the park or walking around the park while the kids play it exercise. Sometimes you need to be creative. Any type of movement is better than no movement
  • Pernetta25
    Pernetta25 Posts: 3 Member
    Trust me. I know I over worry and over think. We do a lot in the summer. My kids are 7&2 and they are very active. We don't sit still. It's not that I necessarily mind taking the 30 minute DVD time "away" from them (my 2 year old tries to do it with me) I guess I just feel like that plus the walking is too much. Even though I talk to my 7 year old while we are walking, I feel like my 2 year old is left out. I'd just rather do the DVD when they are asleep, but since I can't wake myself up, I'm looking for people to tell me I'm crazy and to just exercise. Lol.

    We have a busy schedule with the library and rec activities, so I want to get the exercise out of the way in the morning, so I'm showered and ready for the day before we go. Should I just try to walk the 2 miles a day and forgo the DVD on those days? And on the days we have to leave early, do the DVD?

    About breaking up the DVD, that's good in theory, but I don't want to get sweaty, then clean, sweaty then clean. Right now, once I get in gear, I'd be doing Ripped In 30 by Jillian Michaels.

    I most definitely need to lose weight, but all in all I want to be healthier and exercise is a component too. I'm working on the food thing, I just can't figure out how to get it out of my head that this takes too much away from the kids.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    How about start small and try to do more everyday? Maybe just try and wake up 5 minutes earlier and then 5 more the next day etc. Walking with the kids is great too. Move with them, my kids were very active and would do jumping jacks, small burst of running around (tag) and burpees with me.

    Do what you can and add more everyday.... You can do this and it get easier as you progress!!
  • Pernetta25
    Pernetta25 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you to everybody who answered. Tomorrow might not be a strict exercise day depending on when we get moving tomorrow. But hopefully I can at least get the DVD done before going out. We have 2 fun events, so there will be some walking, but not enough that I'll be thinking it's enough.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,115 Member
    My children are 3 and 11 months, as soon as they are in bed and settled I get YouTube up on the telly and do a 40 min workout.
    It does mean though that whilst cooking dinner I have to tidy their toys away and clean the kitchen as much as I can before serving so there's less to do after!
    Then I have a shower after the workout and go to bed and relax then
  • cherrypalmosa
    cherrypalmosa Posts: 11 Member
    I guess there is no really such word as actual exercise but if you want really to do it as a program then its the other way 'round. Maybe you just need to be more resourceful or imaginative at times since you cannot really own your time now because there's also someone who depends on you. Exercise is all about being active or moving your muscles to and fro.

    Its better yet to do some aerobic exercise at home. Take it for example, you can tune up the radio while doing the household chores and do some multitasking. Getting sweat while cleaning is already a good exercise. Walking is already a good exercise as well and you can actually do it a routine. Sometimes, we need to know our priorities and do proper time management in order to fulfill the tasks that we want to fulfill at a certain time of the day.