1 pound a week & 60 min a day workout (CLOSED)



  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member
    Good food day for me AND I played tennis for 105 minutes (in the 93 degree heat). Looks like a lot of other people had a great day, too. And I think being ok with birthday cake pushing you over your calories is perfectly fine (for one day). :)
  • vjhanson5
    vjhanson5 Posts: 42 Member
    Today walked at lunch for 40 minutes and then after work took a 45 minute rowing class.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    decided to skip my 5AM class for some much needed sleep. I went to the 7:45PM class instead. 60 minutes done. Now off to bed so I can start all over again at 5AM.

    Good luck for tomorrow
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Goodnight everyone! Today went fairly well... I managed a 15 minute warm-up on the elliptical, 35 minutes of interval training on the bike and 10 minutes of stretching (since today was technically an "easy" day after my intense workout yesterday). I had a little binging problem tonight though. It was like I was hungry for everything! And I wasn't! So I definitely didn't stay under my calorie goal.

    So... I'm going on a mini vacation the rest of the week and where I'm going has a spotty internet connection so... I'll write down everything and check in when I can! Still planning on sticking to my goals somehow... running or hiking maybe. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!

    Good luck until I make it back on!

  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    60 minutes - DONE!!!

    I did Tempos on the treadmill, which is running at a slightly slower per mile pace than your racing speed. For me, that's not very fast. I alternated a 4.6 jog with a 3.0 walk. More running than walking, so that's good. Not too long ago, I wouldn't have lasted an hour, so that very good!!!
  • alisonbank
    alisonbank Posts: 43 Member
    day 2 complete!!

    I did some walking, my 36 flights of stairs for 15 minutes, D4L2 of 30DS, which is killiing my knees :(
    It was a big burn with 732 calories plus I was already under with my food! Good day.

    Good job everyone!! KEEP IT UP.
  • Day 2
    75 mins of walking
    15mins of stair climbing
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    Day 3

    Overslept a little so I only got about 40 minutes in today. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer and then I did 25 minutes of weight training (Women's Health "Last Minute Beach Body" workout)

    Yesterday I was under my calories, I tried to eat more because I had a horrible headache and had a feeling it was because I hadnt eaten enough, but I felt full and couldn't force myself to eat if I wasn't hungry so I'm allowing today to be an over calorie day. Which works out pretty well because the cafeteria is serving turkey burgers today and i LOVE turkey burger day =)
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    60 minute kickboxing class for me this morning... after my late night class I am really feeling it today. I have a long day ahead of me. I do in-home daycare & the thought of having to pick up all those babies/ kids all day is scary.

    Good luck today
  • acarter86
    acarter86 Posts: 34 Member
    So I didn't make it in time for Zumba last night but I did get in 35 minutes of Pilates. Better than nothing right? And I am getting closer to an hour a day. I still stayed within my calories so thats great. My goal today is to get a whole hour of working out in.
  • Evercia
    Evercia Posts: 13
    Managed to be right at 1500 cal yesterday even with my Birthday Cake! Yay! Hope everyone is having a good day so far... Hoping to get to the gym later on today. Good Luck Everyone!
  • vjhanson5
    vjhanson5 Posts: 42 Member
    Wednesday's are nornally my day off from working out but because of our challenge I did put in 50 minutes this morning, 20 minutes on cardio with the treadmill, elliptical, and bike and then 30 minutes on strength training and abs.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! It's about noon here and I decided to get a workout and post in before I left! So I got 85 minutes in today...

    20 elliptical
    25 interval training on the treadmill (was going to do longer but my knee started killing me. Looks like I'll have to make a trip to the PT about what to do with my bad knees and ankles... lovely)
    20 bike
    20 calisthenics.

    I'm hoping to stay a little bit under calories today since I was over yesterday so we will see. My goal is to be at 1200 net. Hopefully I'll get to check in soon!

  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    day 3:
    Walked the dogs this morning 25 min
    Swam (50 laps) and played in the pool 22 min
    Did some strenuous gardening 30 min
    I am going to walk the dogs again later 30 min

    Total: 112 mins.

    I am doing quite well and with a bit of planning I am finding time to be active.
    I lost some weight today, looking forward to see where I will be on Monday!

    aLatz13: I hope your headache is gone today
    PSUgrl921: You are doing great!
    vjhanson5: It's superb you made the effort!
    Evercia: I think it would be great if you put a picture up.. it seems you want to! I put some horrendous pics of myself and I am glad as they are good motivation. I don't feel bad about them because I know I won't be like that soon.
    acarter86: Yes, you are making the effort, we all know it can be hard to do a whole hour, but you can do it!
    onehecticmom: Congrats for the weight loss, don't let those kids drive you crazy ;)
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Look like you all had a pretty good workout day!

    I did C25K day 2, and did weights, legs, arms, and situps.

    I'm sore, hungry and tired.
  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member
    Great job everyone! I ate really well today (still got in my Wednesday Jimmy John's Sandwich!) and just finished 60 minutes of power yoga. MFP says yoga only burned 174 calories. Another website says power yoga burned 488. I'm not sure which is right, so I'm going with the lowest one.

    Looking forward to my Thursday tennis group!

    Good luck tomorrow!
  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    Hello everyone!
    I just wanted to write down what my weight goal is this week, so I don't get overambitious:

    Starting challenge weight: 152.6

    I should be happy with going down just one pound, and not hope I will go down everyday
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    went for a 4 mile run this morning. My coworker couldnt go with me today, so I got to run through my town and around our pond which was GORGEOUS with the mist coming off it in the morning. I know it's corny, but "its a wonderful world" started playing on my pandora station and it was pretty beautiful.

    Hope I eat a little better than yesterday! I was undeer my calorie goal but just didnt feel like i made the best choices and had a few munchy moments :(
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member

    got my 60 minutes of Kettlebells in this morning. I am super sore in my chest. I really have never hurt there before, so def feels like I did something right. I MAY decide to go and do a repeat class tonight, depending how crazy I feel then. Maybe I'll just take a walk... or go to bed early. This 6 hrs of sleep a night is getting old. I need more :o(

    Good luck today
  • Evercia
    Evercia Posts: 13
    Sigh. I've been so bad this week either eating to much or to little. Having to much Caffeine and not enough good stuff. I hate finals i feel like i've lost all control. Thank god tonight is my last final and I'm off for till the last week of August. I hope to get to the gym tonight if it's still open... if not it will just be another day of straight studying sitting on my rump. Hopefully next week will be better.... this one has been a bust so far.