
Palook Posts: 8
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I've always heard that elliptical machines and trainers are great for working out and don't put stress on knee joints. I was wondering, though... Are they a very efficient work out for weight loss? I could possibly be interested in purchasing a miniature elliptical, but are they really all that great?:smile:


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Oh they'll give you a workout for sure!
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    As a person who has issues with her knees.The elliptial is a godsend. The workout they give is amazing. The calories burned are better then that of the tredmill as well. Though it takes a little getting used to. When I first started I couldn't get through 15 mins without huffing and puffing it is definitely a workout you are going to feel.
  • Palook
    Palook Posts: 8
    Thanks! That definitely makes me more confident in saving money for one.
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    I LOVE my elliptica! Yes, it is a very effective tool for weight loss. It will get you sweating! Just make sure you got some good music to listen to cause they can be boring. I even hear that they burn more calories than treadmills but I dont know how true that is.
  • Lexino
    Lexino Posts: 153 Member
    ellipticals are amazing!! On most you can change resistance/incline and it's one good workout! Have lost 41lbs and almost all my cardio is from the elliptical :) Oh btw I cannot run because it kills my knees, but I've NEVER had any knee pain on the elliptical!
  • SUNNY613
    SUNNY613 Posts: 251 Member
    ive had problems with my ACL and only the elliptical does not make my knee hurt...i spend a good hour and 15 min on it and i just stretch my let and it feel great

    and yea you will burn a lot of calories on it
  • Brivera10
    Brivera10 Posts: 2 Member
    I had that same debate before my husband and I decided to purchase our elliptical a year ago. I really recommend it, it will definitely give you a work out and there is less stress on your joints. I recommend that you do research on the different brands there are and what they offer, but over all I would say go with the elliptical.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    yes it is worth it.....i love the elliptical....i can do 60 min. on the thing and burn 600 calories....i sweat like a dog and smell like one after too...JUST KIDDIN=)
    my knees have never given me problems after doing it and my heart rate always gets into the target zone which is what i strive for.....save save save !!!!!
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Good workout... Just don't talk to a foot doctor about them. the one I went to see for my ankle said they are the worst thing for your body. Something about training your body that you do not need to step off or something like that, he made it make sense to me.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Lost all of my weight on my elliptical. Just recently joined a gym and STILL use my elliptical. I love it. After using the ones at the gym though.... they are amazing! Id either invest in a nicer one if you can or check out a gym membership. The workout I get on theirs compared to mine is completely different.
  • jon_brady
    jon_brady Posts: 46 Member
    If love the elliptical workout but get bored with it there is an elliptical called the "Street Strider" that is on wheels and you ride outside they are pricey however.
  • kranstar
    kranstar Posts: 10
    I love the elliptical I use at my fitness center. All my cardio is either from walking, stairs (real ones), or the elliptical. I have arthritis and the elliptical has never given me issues. It's a godsend! Strength training is also key, as you probably know. Muscle burns more than fat!
  • My roommate has a mini elliptical and we both use it every week. If you think that you'll actually get on it on a regular basis and it'll make things easier for you, then go for it! It's awesome for me to have something at home, so I don't feel like I have to get presentable to the public in before I haul myself out for a work out. I'm just getting back from vacation right now, but I'm looking forward to my new goal of starting my day with a half hour on it. Last time I did that it was an extra 290 that I got to eat back that day!
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    Yes ellipticals are great! I'm not sure what kind of injury you have but I have tendinitis as well as a torn PCL and the elliptical is my best friend :) Also great if you have shin splints!
  • Sher_hill
    Sher_hill Posts: 2

    just wondering how much time per week ? and how much time per workout do you spend on an elliptical? Sounds like you were pretty successful.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    As a person who has issues with her knees.The elliptial is a godsend. The workout they give is amazing. The calories burned are better then that of the tredmill as well. Though it takes a little getting used to. When I first started I couldn't get through 15 mins without huffing and puffing it is definitely a workout you are going to feel.

    Exactly what they said!!!!

    LOL... tonight I'm upping the ante to 6 minutes..... :drinker:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I hate the elliptical. The stride is always too short for me and I feel off balance. My leg naturally wants to keep going forward when the machine starts pulling it back and I feel like I'm doing some kind of odd shuffle step. Just never worked for me, give me a treadmill where I can walk/jog/run naturally at my normal stride and I'm happy.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I lost my first 15-20lbs just using an elliptical. But once it warmed up I started running outside. It is a great work out and burns a lot of calories.

    My only complaints about the elliptical are that:
    1. It gets really boring, I was doing 90 or so minutes at a time, but I had to quit once the shows I wanted to watch were over or my playlist ended not because I was too tired, but because I had to be distracted.
    2. It doesn't really get you in shape for any other activities. I could do 90 minutes on the elliptical at 5-6mph and when I started running I could barely run at 5mph for more than a minute or two.

    But the plus is that it is really low impact and after a running injury that has kept me from running the last month I can still do that to burn calories.
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    Ellipticals are really good...I personally like jogging around the neighborhood, but I tend to hurt myself doing that, and ellipticals are good for still getting the workout you need while you recover.
    You should get one with the arm things too so you get a full body workout.
  • Zerbertkisses
    Zerbertkisses Posts: 35 Member
    My husband and I both use our elliptical for our daily cardio. We can roll ours around easily so we roll it in front of our tv to use it and then roll it away back into our walk-in closet.

    I would recommend getting a HRM to use while you work out. Ours has a built in computer for calories burned, heart rate, etc... but I'm not sure I trust it.

    Also, I want to encourage you to really push yourself to get a really good workout. I think working out on the elliptical with no resistance or just going at a decent speed actually just gives you momentum from your movement. So, up the resistance to a level that is challenging (but not killing yourself) and go at a decent RPM.
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