Need to lose 70 lbs. Looking for friends to keep each other positive and motivated.

Hi. I'm 35 years old. Trying to lose 70 lbs.

I would like to make friends to keep each other positive and motivated. Since I also like to try new recipes (mostly plant based), anyone I can swap recipes with would be a plus!

I would love to go to the gym more and be more active. This is my biggest weakness right now. So I definitely need *extra* motivation in this area lol.

So anyone with similar weight loss goals, please feel free to add me! We can do this together!


  • valangel1902
    valangel1902 Posts: 225 Member
    I am 33 and looking to lose at least 100lbs. I have lost 70 lbs before and then gained it all back over the last 5 years (gained 50 during my pregnancy almost 2 years ago putting me at my highest weight ever). I am ready to lose this weight and be healthy for myself and my family. Anyone can add me :)
  • SABoj
    SABoj Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome. There are a lot of wonderful communities within MFP so you're sure to find a number of new friends. I'm vegan and live sharing recipes too. Feel free to add me! Best of luck.
  • michelefm1l
    michelefm1l Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me. My goal is to lose 80 pounds, possibly 100. Have a long ways go to go, but I'm working on it!
  • danibananees
    danibananees Posts: 7 Member
    I'm pretty much in the same boat!!! 35 and NEEDING to lose around that much. Just lost 15 and I'm on my way.
  • Kate49882
    Kate49882 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's 35 and needs to loose 70 lbs! Just got back on the band wagon after weight loss, weight gain-and over coming injuries. Hoping to stay motivated too.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    45, ovo-lacto vegetarian, with a starting weight of 254 lbs, 62.4 pounds lost to date, and 61.6 to go to get down to 130.

    Diary is open, if you'd like to see if any of my recipes sound good to you.

    On the fitness front, I don't belong to a gym, but I've been building an economical one in my basement. (I got a fitness glider years ago. I now own a book on strength training, resistance bands and tubes, an exercise mat, dumbbells ranging from 3 to 10 lbs, a cardio step, and—since some of the strength training workouts require them—a couple of ordinary balls. One's a Nerf soccer, one's a 9" 'bouncy' ball.)
  • nyberggail
    nyberggail Posts: 1 Member
    I am a tad older but my goals are the same. I am almost 64 and getting ready to retire. I have lost 29 lbs but have another 35 to go.
  • kashmir324
    kashmir324 Posts: 1 Member
    32 years old looking to lose weight prior to weight loss surgery. Currently 245lbs.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited June 2017
    34 years old, started at 256lb aiming for 187lb initially, I will review again when I get there, not doing any special diet as such, just eating less and moving more, slowly tweaking my macros to get more protein in to help with recovery because I am far more active than I was a year ago. I cook a lot of my food from scratch and meal prep/plan to try and moderate my calories.

    I am about 6 months in and almost 30lb down, it's been a relatively steady process but I haven't thought about quitting once taking this approach. I log daily and I log everything (even logged Paddy's Day drinking sessions), currently on Day 162 of my streak, as I am committed to getting the weight off for my overall health and wellbeing.

    I quit the gym in December as it was doing nothing for me, I have a home gym now mostly for weights, resistance bands, pilates & yoga and I recently started the C25K program to see if I'm really as adverse to running as I thought (I'm not).

    Feel free to give me an add.

  • laralosingit42
    laralosingit42 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I am back on the MFP wagon again (should not be a wagon, way of life!) and i am interested in plant based recipes too. I have 140 lbs to lose! I would love to add all of you, feel free to send me an invite or i will send you all one!
  • alkight84
    alkight84 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 33 and looking to lose a total of 95. I've already lost 16 so 79 to go!
  • Pinky_Calhoun
    Pinky_Calhoun Posts: 125 Member
    Same here just turned 40 and I'm trying to get back to pre-pregnancy after having Twins 3 years ago. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Jonathanak6
    Jonathanak6 Posts: 73 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • alex_smith9909
    alex_smith9909 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm trying to lose 35 pounds, feel free to add me, I need some friends to help make me stay committed!!