Please i need help

I need help i loss 39 pound so far but lately i been realy weak and realy tire and i have to push myself to do my workouts pls any help


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited June 2017
    What are your height and weight and how much are you eating? How long have you been dieting? What is your activity level like?

    Good job so far!
  • yuselRivera
    yuselRivera Posts: 27 Member
    Im 6 feet tall i weight 298 i eat about 1900 calories i workout 5 days 1hr
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Have you considered upping calories at all? Your deficit is pretty steep. Adding back 200 calories a day could help. Even if you just do it a few days a week it could help.

    Also, how much are you sleeping? Lack of sleep can make workouts much more difficult.
  • yuselRivera
    yuselRivera Posts: 27 Member
    I sleep like 6 to 7 hr
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When I was getting weaker with every run it was because I was pushing too far too fast. I took a three day break and eased back in to it slower. You might try the same thing and see if you come back stronger.
  • yuselRivera
    yuselRivera Posts: 27 Member
  • yuselRivera
    yuselRivera Posts: 27 Member
    Im going to do that
  • Jmatievich
    Jmatievich Posts: 38 Member
    Are you getting enough protein and fat? Eating plenty of whole grains and not just white flour? These made a huge difference for me.
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Things that help me...can't speak for anyone else. I'm 90lbs down.

    Good amount of water
    7-8 hours sleep
    Eating every few hours
    Hard workouts 6-7 x's week cardio and lifting
    I take daily probiotic and multivitamin
    Eat within my calories (this took me a few weeks to find the right amount). It took more carbs than I thought. Tried to keep sodium down and lower carb but definitely not low/no carb.