Life Before Facebook



  • dianerenem
    dianerenem Posts: 14
    before FB? I used to write letters - LONG letters!! to everyone I knew!! haha

    as far as over sharing? I don't share trips to the bathroom or things along those lines, but I have always been an open book. I blame it on the lack of a filter between my brain and my mouth. things just spill out and I am usually hearing it for the first time just as it reaches everyone around me :)

    I'm not mean tho, just ... open
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    Some people did those things and some didnt, it really was about the resources that were present to perform those actions and the validation that was present of those actions. FB gives you access to millions of potential friends who in your head might care about what you ate today. B4 fb maybe someone had a circle of friends they were close too and sent out mass text. Human nature has the desire to be/feel important in various ways. Sometimes that reality crosses over the fantasy world, for instance everyone on fb is an entertainer, CEO, model.......etc the list goes on some might be be most are just lying. It has become a place to booast status hierarchy with someone being able to validate what you are saying. So to sum it up for most ppl life before facebook was less of reality but on fb you can be whatever your fingers can type
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    texting? lol You know what I really miss! LETTERS! Like when people used to actually sit down, and hand write a letter to you, and mail it with a stamp. My husbands grandma always sends us cards for like every occasion (I don't know how she does it), but I get so excited to see something other than bills in the mail!
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    I used to go on a forum site all the time, then i went on myspace for a sec but then facebook came along, next it will be Google's site to come.

    UGH. I hate Google+. It bores me.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Before facebook I used email, the phone, or like some have said, Myspace.

    The worst I have ever seen is just the regular people who post tmi about their baby daddy drama or what they're having for lunch...with pics.! **Hide or Delete!!

    But at the same time, I will give Facebook applause because when a natural disaster (tornado) struck near by, it was one of the only ways (or should I say easiest ways) people could communicate because cell phones went down for at least two days. (or my phone company did) All we had was text and internet (if you had internet) and people were posting everywhere on Facebook that they were safe and ok so that their families who maybe didn't live around here could see.

    It def. has good and bad to it, I think it all just depends on how people choose to use it.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I used to live in the same state/country as my friends... so I would actually call or visit them. but now I don't think I could live without it... I only talk to my family like 1/month on the phone.
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    texting? lol You know what I really miss! LETTERS! Like when people used to actually sit down, and hand write a letter to you, and mail it with a stamp. My husbands grandma always sends us cards for like every occasion (I don't know how she does it), but I get so excited to see something other than bills in the mail!

    I hate seeing bills too lol. and Letters seem like a stone age ago. email is already outdated
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    Before facebook I used email, the phone, or like some have said, Myspace.

    The worst I have ever seen is just the regular people who post tmi about their baby daddy drama or what they're having for lunch...with pics.! **Hide or Delete!!

    But at the same time, I will give Facebook applause because when a natural disaster (tornado) struck near by, it was one of the only ways (or should I say easiest ways) people could communicate because cell phones went down for at least two days. (or my phone company did) All we had was text and internet (if you had internet) and people were posting everywhere on Facebook that they were safe and ok so that their families who maybe didn't live around here could see.

    It def. has good and bad to it, I think it all just depends on how people choose to use it.

    I agree social networking is good in disasters as a comms tool
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I love notes! I send people notes just to say I'm thinking about them, I love it, I wish I had more people who sent/received notes! When I was dating long distance I would toss a notecard in the mail just to say "I love you" when I would go to visit his fridge was covered in note cards.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Before FB, I was in high school.. since it started right around the time I began college. Basically I was on AIM all the time, listening to the god awful dial-in tone to get on the internet. I do wish I knew about the "Perverted Justice" back then because I used to receive the most disturbing messages from older guys, but that was in direct correlation to my joining chat rooms just to write "dirty" things trying to see how long before I got kicked out.
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I still refuse to be a part of this social network nonsense - there is a reason I don't see certain people anymore! I don't need them to give me their daily update of crap that I don't care about. It still annoys me that there are photos all over facebook with me in them!

    This is the closest I've ever come to a social network i guess

    My flatmate is ADDICTED to facebook, constantly on it. I've witnessed him talk to women in bars/clubs and one of the first questions is, "are you on facebook" if they so "no" he just walks away. He's met up with loads of women who he never met before (except from facebook) just for sex - it's mental!
    SMCNEIL40 Posts: 80 Member
    Life before FB = MySpace.


    True, and before that, I had a Xanga!

    Does anyone remember Hi5? I had that before Myspace! LOL

    Now I am also a Twitter head follow me at: missmcneil40

    Hahaha I have it bad!! I know I am addicted to MFP!! I really wish they would let you like comments and status updates!
    NBKHYTS Posts: 11 Member
    the most crazy thing i saw, a girl i used to go school with announcing to her 1000+ 'friends' that she has been put on diazapan.

    im not certain all 1000 friends are actual friends that she should be confiding her new medicine in.

    begs the question- how many friends on facebook are actual FRIENDS?
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Really? No-one's mentioned livejournal?
  • katloaf
    katloaf Posts: 26
    I loved LiveJournal.. from 2003ish to 2006. It was awesome :)

    I rely on FB for updates on current events - I get reports on massive traffic delays, natural disasters, bad weather that are affecting my area. Prior to that, it was just relying on TV / radio updates, which just weren't as effective as a mass of people compiling information about a situation.
  • Rhonda_A
    Rhonda_A Posts: 17
    I actually talked to people on the phone!! Communicaton is becoming a lost art:ohwell:

    I so agree.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    It blows my mind what people post on facebook. This girl my age that has a son recently posted about how she was so excited that she wasn't going to jail for being caught in a meth house....
  • groucherella
    groucherella Posts: 207
    friendster then myspace, then facebook, now google+

    But I have to admit. I miss myspace. I feel to vulnerable on FB plus I can't annoy people with my personalized profile page and song.

    I checked into myspace and I still have Christmas in Hollis by RUN DMC from...........3 years ago.
  • katismiles
    katismiles Posts: 96 Member
    hahaha myspace
  • My friend and I were discussing just this topic with my sister's boyfriend's kid who is 14. We asked him do people still pass notes in class or do they just say facebook me? LOL..In our days, you drove by your crushs house. LOL> now you can just facebook them and know their every move. hahaha...but people take it to the extreme. I've seen people post pics of them giving birth! eeekkk and pics of a funeral..that is just a wee bit too much!!