Mini goals?

Hi my fitness pals people !

I have a simple question/ advise for you . I seem to get so motivated one day and have it last for a few days then I lose it and fall off the wagon again on and on many times . People tells me to change my goals . It's great to want to lose hundred pounds when you are obese but it seems way too far down the line. Someone told me to try mini goals . Keep my main goal at heart yes but still.... have some. I I g Als set up that I can reward my self with nice supper or a new piece of clothing size smaller. Or something like that . What kind of mini goals do you have ? Because with my lack of imagination? My mini goals would be like 10 of thee exact same one .. losing 10 pounds LOL
What kind of mini goals do you suggest or work for you ? :)


  • samsmith1
    samsmith1 Posts: 2 Member
    I try to do things like strength goals-like I want to increase the weight I'm lifting or be able to hold a plank longer. I just hit one of mine the other day when I could hold a side plank in a trx suspension trainer on my weaker side for longer. It makes me feel like what im doing is actually working, even if Im not seeing the numbers going down as fast as id hope. I also held onto prebaby clothes and try them on every once in awhile to see if a change has been made in how they fit, or if i can fit into them period! I have one specific pair of pants right now that im working hard towards :) Another good one for me is seeing if i can go a whole day without cheating with sugar-sweets are my kryptonite!
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    edited June 2017
    Breaking weight loss down into even 10-lb. increments was motivating for me. 164 lbs was also a milestone for me, because that's the weight that took me from the "overweight" to "normal" category for my height. For non-scale milestones, I'm a cyclist and my best cycling clothes are all very fitted. Being able to wear my race-fit jerseys again was a mini goal, and I have a pair of embarrassingly expensive bib shorts that I'm getting close to wearing again. I also have various performance-based targets on the bike that I'm working towards.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited June 2017
    I had a bunch of jeans from the same brand in different sizes, so my mini goals were to fit back into them. 10 lbs also worked for me, though -- I loved getting to the next "decade" -- first big goal was under 200, then 189, then not obese, stuff like that.

    I also had workout related goals and things I could totally control goals that were weekly.

    Workout goals were "run a 5K" or "ride my bike 20 miles" or even just "go to a fitness class" or "work up the guts to go to the free weight section." Weekly "within my control" goals (also called process goals) were things like "cook dinner 6 of 7 days" or "be within my calories every day" or "eat vegetables every meal" or get 10,000 steps every day. Depends what you want to do and that will excite you that week.
  • lucielucie1
    lucielucie1 Posts: 9 Member
    Those are all actually great answers ! Thank you everyone ! I will definitely mix and match on those answers ! Change my mini goals as I succeed them . Thanks :)
  • valangel1902
    valangel1902 Posts: 225 Member
    Hello, I have over 100lbs to lose. I have always struggled with weight and the on and off, lose and gain again battle. It is definitely hard when the goal seems so far away. About 5 years ago I was able to lose 70lbs and had mini goals with the main goal in mind. Then life happened, changed jobs stopped working out slowly lost site of everything. I maintained for about 2 years but gained it all back plus 50 over the last 3 years. 50 of it was during my pregnancy. So here I am ready to do it again. My first goal is to get back to the weight I was when I had my daughter (I lost 25 of the 50 when she was born but then gained 15 back over the last 18 months). The next goal is to be able to wear my wedding rings again. I had to take them off during my pregnancy and haven't been able to wear them for the last 2 years. The next goal is being able to fit in the pants I wore before I had to start wearing maternity clothes or under the 300lb mark which ever comes first. After that I will do things like being able to do a certain time/distance for my workouts or fit in a different size. The half way goal was a big one for me last time. You just kind of pick little things to help you achieve and feel great along the way because that 100lb goal definitely feels far away. Support and motivation is also very important, feel free to add me if you want :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I try to make my mini goals mostly things that are totally in my control. Like, I can control how many times a week I workout, or how many minutes, or how many days I hit my protein goal, or how many days to stay under on calories...but I can't control how much weight I lose, so I try to not make that a mini-goal.

    Right now my mini goal is to finish P90X3 - I'm on the last 3 weeks and I've never made it this far before...I will buy myself a new bedroom outfit if I hit goal.

    And to stay under calories every single day this week...I will have a glass of wine on Sunday if I meet this goal and if the glass of wine is within goal.

    My long-term goal is to lose 2% body fat - that will happen on it's own if I stick with my mini goals...I'm hoping to do it by Halloween and be Wonder Woman (Linda Carter skirt and cape version).
  • lucielucie1
    lucielucie1 Posts: 9 Member
    That's also all good !! Thank you !!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I did mini weight loss goals of 25lbs when I started. I did have a date in mind for the first couple and hitting those dates kept me motivated. When the weight loss slowed a lot, I didn't put the time frame on the goal. I added fitness goals though. I wanted to do a push up from my toes, then be able to do 10 without stopping and then 20. It worked pretty well for me. I am not as motivated currently and need to get my head back in the right place.
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    Right now my goal is to exercise 5 days a week for a month, then Ima going to Sephora.

    I just warned my husband that it's going to be expensive!
  • dusti454
    dusti454 Posts: 17 Member
    I have had mini goals of drinking a gallon of water a day rewarding myself halfway thru with a soda..just so I won't feel deprived. To run with my four year old until SHE wants to stop.thats my mini goal now is to lose 4 more lb by July anniversary...good luck with yours