Work lunches -Help

I'm at the point I'm feeling like I'm stuck with ideas to make for work lunches. I meal prep, so it's not trouble... I'm so tired of everything that fits into my calories and diet changes. No bread/pasta, sugars, limit dairy (thank you endocrine system), and no trans fats (high cholesterol). Anyone have any ideas?!?!?!?!?


  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I love making "Greek" salads with lots of lettuce, artichokes, kalamata olives, and feta cheese (you could forego the feta). I make my own Italian/Greek dressing and add more vinegar and less oil so it comes out to about 100 calories for 2 tablespoons! Super yummy!

    I also do shredded chicken with fajita veggies! No tortilla!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Broccoli, diced peppers,walnuts,raisins or beets and mushrooms with sriacha!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Leftover dinner. I'll probably have lean beef with peppers, onions, green tomato, and brussels sprouts tomorrow.

    I'm also a huge fan of salad with protein of some sort on it for lunch.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    What do you like for dinner? Make enough to have leftovers for lunch. 99% of the time, my lunch is the dinner from a previous day.
  • mom2kateRH
    mom2kateRH Posts: 178 Member
    If you are willing to pay for recipes, try I've been using it for about one month now and LOVE it. You fill out a pretty detailed questionnaire regarding what type of foods you eat, restrictions, etc. You tell them how many recipes for how many people (eg 3 breakfast recipes for 2 people, lunch for 1 person for 4 days, dinner for 3 for 4 days). It generates recipes/shopping list that reduces food waste. It's $99/year, unlimited recipes that are made by nutritionists. It's really helped me meal plan better and eat better. And not get bored.
  • threesixten
    threesixten Posts: 134 Member
    I like to make huge salads with whatever veggies and protein ive got. Lately its been romaine, carrot, cherry tomatoes, onion, jalapeno... about 3oz roast turkey deli meat cut into pieces, and 60-70g bolthouse ranch dressing seems to sufficiently cover the leaves.
  • aerdnaveg
    aerdnaveg Posts: 9 Member
    I usually have a salad for lunch. Baby spinach, tomatoes, beans or chickpeas, sunflower seeds, avocado and a tbsp of sweet onion dressing. I also mix in a tsp of sriracha because, well, sriracha makes everything taste better :)
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    I had my wife try this meal and she loved it. Real brown rice, turkey sausage, frozen mixed vegetables. She uses 1/2 cup serving size and entire meal is around 280 calories. So one pound turkey sausage, one bag frozen mixed veggies will last for 4-5 meals. Change it up by switching to chicken breast, or lean steak from time to time.