30/40 Something Mom: Drop 20 lbs with me this Summer!

cheald13 Posts: 15 Member
Looking for people that want to try to lose 20+ lbs with me! Looking for a team to help share meal plan ideas, daily check in, motivation and tips. My "baby" is 5 now and it's time I get control of my body! No more excuses. Anyone want to join me?


  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    I'll join you! My son is 5 also. Are you starting today?
  • ThisMomRunsCA
    ThisMomRunsCA Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP, in my mid 40's and a mom of 2 my baby is 13, I'm trying to lose 8lbs. Wanting to be 145 again.
  • cheald13
    cheald13 Posts: 15 Member
    Yay! Yes, I started eating healthy today but didn't weigh myself yet. Working out has never been my issue... watching what I eat and drink is my downfall! I did 30 minutes of cardio today: 20 running and 10 walking. I'm probably going to weight myself daily to stay on top of things and I would love to check in here daily as well. I hope you'll join me. :smile:
  • embecca
    embecca Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join. I havent weighted myself yet but i have about 40 lbs to lose. I have been working for the last week to eat healthy with my husband.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    I'd love to lose 20 pounds this summer, though I doubt I will. My youngest son is 5 as well and I have 9 pounds to prepregnancy weight plus some. I added you all.
  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    @Luna3386 you can do it! I dragged my exercise bike back in the house lol I'm going to eat clean tonight like sweet potatoes and fish :)
  • ssa27
    ssa27 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to join. My baby is 4 and I am still carrying the weight from my first, many years ago. I'd be super happy to loose 20lbs this summer, though I have over 50 to loose in total. I weighed 195.8lbs today!
  • cheald13
    cheald13 Posts: 15 Member
    Nice work Marie!
  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    @cheald13 thank you! You too :)
  • bionicpuffy
    bionicpuffy Posts: 93 Member
    I'd also like to join! My boy is turning 5 soon, so you and I are in the same boat! Friend me!
  • scubachick67
    scubachick67 Posts: 44 Member
    @cheald13 Thanks for starting this!

    Im 43 and my baby boy will be 5 in Aug too. I have 11yo girl and 9yo boy also.

    I have 35lbs to lose in total, though it will take longer than summer!

    I started at the begining of June over in the June Accountability Challenge group. Fab support from the group and daily check-ins. Defo going to do the July group too. Im back running...well, plodding and swimming. Im also tracking every bite I eat & drink on here.

    Hello to you all!
    @marieschneider1097 @ThisMomRunsCA @embecca @Luna3386 @polish328 @ssa27 @bionicpuffy
  • cheald13
    cheald13 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Everyone, I've been weighing myself daily (down another .4 today which I'll take!) I think the daily weigh ins will keep me honest and accountable. I'm trying to log all food as well which I think is huge. Ran this morning for 20 minutes (and then walked for 10) and it wasn't easy but I stuck with it. Now to focus on my waters and logging food! I hope everyone has a great day!
  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    Starting weight: 194
    Today's weight: 189.4
    I ate really healthy yesterday :)@scubachick67 hi!
  • scubachick67
    scubachick67 Posts: 44 Member
    @cheald13 if you are weighing every day, bear in mind that hormones and other stuff will cause weight to go up and down. Using a daily weight app like Libre might help. this app gives you an average weight over a week or so.

    Personally, I cant mentally handle seeing the daily fluctuations. It got to the point where my morning weight check determined how my day was going to be.

    It can be useful to take monthly body measurements. Sometimes the pesky scales dont move, but your butt, *kitten*, arms etc can lose inches/cms.
  • cheald13
    cheald13 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome @31shines

    I have a 7.5 and 5 year old. :smile:

  • cheald13
    cheald13 Posts: 15 Member
    I have no stop date but I would love to lose 20 by Labor Day!
  • tris2002
    tris2002 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey ladies! I would like to join if able.......I definitely have a 20lb drop goal....Overall really i'd like to drop about 30 but 20 is more approachable right now. I am in my 30s and have 3 kiddos 7, 5, and 3. I'm not as active as I once was and hope that by getting back on the wagon with tracking my food and being a bit more active I can drop some of this weight or inches (i'd take either).

    Is there a structure to this group such weekly weigh ins, challenge exercises or things like that? or just check ins to let everyone know that you are still on board? Thanks.

    Have a great day all!
  • cheald13
    cheald13 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome @tris2002 My goals are to workout 30 minutes a day, track all my food daily, drink 8 glasses of water a day and definitely weigh in and log it atleast once a week. I will probably weigh myself daily to stay on track. I'm up for any challenges too!
  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    Today's weight 189.1 :)
  • tacomarie
    tacomarie Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! I would love to join you on this journey. I'm 34. I have a 5.5 year old son, and an almost 3 year old daughter. I started my weight loss journey in March. I have 30 lbs total to loose. I'm already down 10. I just restated using MFP. I currently go to Orangetheory to workout 3-4 days per week. I just need a little extra push!
  • TraeP
    TraeP Posts: 68 Member
    I would love to join, my baby is 3.5 and I have 25lbs to get rid of. I am lacking motivation since he is my 2nd and last baby. My daughter 8 and I am READY to get the weight off. I just restarted to use MFP Please feel free to add me a a friend. I can use the motivation ! I need the extra push!
  • tris2002
    tris2002 Posts: 95 Member
    edited June 2017
    OK so heres the stats for me for yesterday....

    Starting weight (as of 6/14/2017-I typically weigh on wednesday's) 165.4
    exercise--no workouts yesterday
    track all my food--Done and stayed within my calories
    drank 2 glasses of water

    Not so great for day one......areas I'd like to improve in: Getting in any form of exercise and getting at least 32oz of water in today.

    What is anyone else working on today?
    Also, to help me push myself to get in a workout of some sort is anyone up for a weekly exercise challenge?
  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    @tris2002 yes! Do you have a bike? I'm up for a cycling challenge?
  • sarahlovesfood25
    sarahlovesfood25 Posts: 408 Member
    I will defo b up for this challenge, just what i was looking for :)
    How often shall we post r weight?
    My start weight is 156lbs on 15-06-17
  • kycl1976
    kycl1976 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join...
    I'm 40 have a 3.5 yo boy.
    I need to lose around 50 lbs. probably more.
    I stress eat.... my son was diagnosed with autism in November and I've gained 30 lbs since. And I thought I was handling so well!!
    I use to exercise but stopped and I can't seem to get back at it.
    I started using the treadmill & the "running for weight loss" app this week.
    I want to walk/jog daily and add some workouts.

    I took pics from Facebook of some 7 minute workouts. If anyone wants to do them with me I could post them daily. It would make a nice (short) challenge :)
  • tris2002
    tris2002 Posts: 95 Member
    edited June 2017
    hmmmm @marieschneider1097 i do not have a bike........what about just a cardio challenge? the recommended amount of cardio is 150 minutes per week--so what if the challenge is to hit the 150 mark by the end of the week? For some folks this might be too easy, what do you think?

    or @kycl1976 has a good idea with the 7 minute workouts.

  • marieschneider1097
    marieschneider1097 Posts: 214 Member
    @tris2002 I like the cardio challenge!!