Cramps while working out?

So, this hasn't been too much of an issue, except for maybe twice in the last 6 weeks. I work out pretty regularly (5 - 6 days a week) and rarely get a cramp. This morning was the second time it's happened, and I was trying to figure out why, and how it could have been a similar situation to the one last time I got a cramp, but I couldn't figure it out. It was a cramp, though at the same place, same side of my body.

Does anyone have a way to ensure they will not cramp as they are working out? I was walking/running both times it happened.



  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I sometimes get cramps in my legs, though its usually after a workout not during. Make sure you are stretching well before and after your workouts...and stretching before bed can help too. Also, how's your potassium level each day? I eat at least a banana a day and/or some cantaloupe as both are great sources of potassium and help alleviate cramping.
  • simon1127
    simon1127 Posts: 5
    I have read and heard from a number of people that cramping can be reduced by increaing your intake of salt in your diet. I had a friend who used to cramp up when we went mountain biking and he used to eat a pack of salted crisps before he went. It seemed to solve the problem for him. Obviously finding something more healthy than ready salted crisps would be a good shout.
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Sometimes when I do not get enough potassium in my system I get cramps while working out. Try eating a banana or something with potassium before working out but not too much, because it can be bad in your system to have too much potassium. Since I started eating one before hand I have not gotten a cramp since.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    What type of cramp? For legs cramps, or muscular cramps you may want to increase your potassium and calcium.

    For abdominal cramps, I don't really have a solution.. other than I noticed I get them when I drink too much water right before I workout or if i drink some water during. So i try to only take small amounts at a time.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I find when i cramp (usually on my sides) it's because i'm not well hydrated.
  • Pucker508
    Pucker508 Posts: 67 Member
    Great ideas everyone...and you made me think more closely about things.

    1. II haven't really looked at my potassium levels, but I sure will now! I don't eat bananas, especially in the morning on an empty stomach because they upset my stomach (this is weird, right?)

    2. My cramps are in my side, my right side specifically. I always drink a glass of water before working out...could this have something to do with it?
  • lindsey_mickeyd
    lindsey_mickeyd Posts: 101 Member
    I was actually having the same problem, then someone gave me this suggestion: as you're working out, increase your breathing speed. Don't hyperventilate or anything, and take deep breaths when you need, but breathing faster is the ONLY thing that has cured my side stitches/cramps. Hope that helps! :)