Hey everyone, I'm charlie, 28, need to lose 45 lbs

Hi there,
A few years ago I was in a car accident and rapidly put on 40 pounds from steroids, neurontin, being bed bound, depressed and poor eating choices. The weight is now a detriment to all of my herniated discs and have just found out it's causing IBS symptoms too. I want to slowly lose this weight and decrease my back pain and stomach problems. I have never had to lose weight like this before and could use some community support and guidance. Anyone else out there in my boat ? Back pain, stomach pain, weight to lose, find exercise to be hard? It's kind of a cycle right ? I don't want to have excuses anymore though, Im ready to do this, even if I can just change my Foods and the exercise comes later, that would help a great deal. I'm fed up with the pain and agony, I am too young for this nonsense! Am I right ?!
Take care everyone !


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    Welcome. :smile:
  • EsmeMary101
    EsmeMary101 Posts: 154 Member

    I think it's all about ur frame of mind. If it's the right time in your head then u will do it. I know we're supposed to exercise but for losing weight it seems to me that the most important thing is what u eat. I've lost 32 lbs since feb. I do work out but the big change is what I eat.

    Have a food plan and stick to it as best u can. If/when u slip up or have a bad day or meal just start again straight away. Don't dwell on it just be good again from this second. Start now. U can do it.

    Good luck.
  • EsmeMary101
    EsmeMary101 Posts: 154 Member
    Oh and join a group or challenge it really seems to help. I'm on the fat to fit one and the people are really supportive.
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    Give yourself a goal and focus on that. Start off easy because you don't want to over do it to quickly. You want to challenge yourself without hurting yourself. Really listen to your body because certain workouts may effect you worse than others. Just listen to your body and stay focused. Best of luck!!
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi .Charlie,

    I'm older than you. I tested for 3 out of 4 blood markers for celiac. Doc didn't know what to call me, so he diagnosed me with IBS. I am controlling it with diet and have been since 1997. I have been food controlling it successfully since diagnosis.

    I have sciatica and had it really under control about 1.5 years ago, then I had to have a major vein in my leg lasered out. Recovery was not as easy as they told me and I was majorly derailed.

    I am working hard to get my diet under control calorie wise (I am still on my regular food plan) and I am started up exercise really slowly in a way that supports my sciatica.

    Did your doctor suggest anything like seeing a naturalpath to learn which foods are worse for you? I also needed to repopulate my gut lining and they were helpful there.

    Then an OT or PT could help with finding the right exercises to support your back.

  • jtillman60
    jtillman60 Posts: 1 Member

    James here. After reading your post I decided to reply and provide you some information that completely changed my life. I am 60 years old and African American. I was suffering from some of the same problems and even worse including being obese despite trying to eat right and exercise. This is a long read but if you go through it I believe you will find the solution to your challenges.

    March 3, 2017 I weighed 247 lbs and would fluctuate between 243 to 250 lbs. for the past year and had these health issues below:
    a. Depression
    b. Could only sleep a couple of hours straight at night without waking up
    c. Tired all the time even after workouts, and had to take a 20 to 30 minute nap at work mid day
    d. Hungry at night which caused waking up for a snack and constant trips to get snacks while watching TV
    e. Incontinence: Had to go to the bathroom several times a night/had several accidents because I could make it to the Restroom in time during the day
    f. I could not control my cravings especially in the evening
    g. Had High blood Pressure
    h. Had irritable bowel syndrome and frequent gas and bloating

    June 13, 2017: I now weigh 213.5 lbs and eliminated all the ailments I listed above by basically changing my diet. I know the results sound remarkable. Read what I have below and this may change life.

    March 5, 2017 I saw an advertisement from Dr. Steven Gundry while I was looking at MSN on my IPAD. At first I thought it was just another diet method that required you to buy something. Before I reviewed it I Wikipedia Dr Gundry and could not find him so I thought he was a quack. I then googled his name and found him under the medical Wikipedia and became impressed with his credentials enough to listen to his video. Below is what I found out about Dr. Gundry.

    a. Dr. Gundry’s credentials and initial beliefs on nutrition
    i. Dr. Gundry was a heart surgeon, one of the best in the world
    ii. He and his team had over ten thousand heart related surgeries over his 30 plus year career
    iii. Dr. Gundry had also performed interspecies surgeries for scientific research and had developed/invented
    special techniques and instruments for keeping the heart alive for long periods of time outside the body
    iv. Gundry also has a background in evolutionary human biology and genetics and wrote his medical thesis
    on the subject while in college to get his degree
    v. Dr. Gundry specialized in performing Heart Surgeries on the worst case scenarios, surgeries that most
    other Doctor’s will not perform
    vi. Dr. Gundry said he did not believe in supplements and felt they mostly created expensive urine but didn’t
    really help anything
    vii. Dr. Gundry believed that a balance diet based on the guidelines from the Food and Drug Administration
    was best for good health
    viii. Dr. Gundry felt that it was natural that people will require pills for various ailments, and suffer high blood
    pressure, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and gain weight as they get older because that was the normal
    part of aging

    b. Dr. Gundry’s health when he made the above statements
    i. Obese: Dr. Gundry at 5’7” tall weighed 230 lbs
    ii. High blood pressure: Blood Pressure 145 over 90
    iii. Pre diabetic: Insulin was 18
    iv. Cholesterol: Bad Cholesterol was 150 points above normal and the good Cholesterol was only 32
    v. Skin Tags driven by elevated levels of insulin. If Insulin increases as we age could stimulate cancer cells
    causing them to grow rapidly. It acts like miracle grow on a lawn.

    c. Dr. Gundry’s change of Philosophy on Health and Nutrition
    i. Dr. Gundry met a patient named Big Ed about 10 years ago
    ii. Big Ed weighed over 400 lbs and needed heart bypass surgery in order to survive
    iii. Big Ed had gone to a number of Doctors but they refused to perform the operation because all of Big Ed’s
    arteries had over a 90% Blockage
    iv. Dr. Gundry reviewed Big Ed’s charts and even though he had performed severe heart cases Big Ed’s was
    just too severe for even him.
    v. Big Ed left disappointed but came back 6 months later
    vi. Dr. Gundry noticed that Big Ed had lost nearly 60 to 70 lbs. Big Ed told Dr. Gundry that he had began
    taking a number of supplements and dieting and believed he could now have the surgery.
    vii. Dr. Gundry said that he didn’t believe anything had changed in Big Ed’s artery blockage because under
    Gundry’s experience once the artery blockages had built up to that degree nothing short of surgery could
    change it.
    viii. Big Ed begged Gundry to re-examine him. Dr. Gundry did and was shocked at what he found. Big Ed had
    reduced the blockages of his arteries by nearly 50%. Gundry had never seen anything like it in his 30
    years of medicine. Dr. Gundry immediately scheduled and performed the bypass surgery that week and
    Big Ed fully recovered.
    ix. Dr. Gundry became very curious about the supplements Big Ed was taking that caused such a remarkable
    change in his health and asked if he could review them. After reviewing them Gundry found most were
    junk but some had the same compounds and nutrients he used to keep hearts alive outside of the body.
    x. Gundry did further research and identified all the key compounds which he found came from plants and
    were actually phyto nutrients.
    xi. Gundry continued his research recalling the thesis he wrote on Human Evolutionary Biology and Genetics
    in College.
    xii. After studying medical papers, experimenting and tying together a number of disciplines such as biology,
    genetics, human evolution, chemistry and medicine Gundry came up with the following Findings and
    Conclusions (some are common knowledge) he summarized in the videos below.

    After reading this If you are interested below are the links of some of Dr. Gundry’s videos. I also provided a link to the free online calorie count I now use and of today’s calorie log and exercise log as examples.

    Want you to take 30 minutes and listen to Link 1 then 7 minutes and listen to Link 2. If it peaks your interest listen to Link number 2: 12 minutes. If you become surprised/shocked Listen to Link number 4: 42 minutes.

    Link 1: http://silenceyourcravings.com/

    Link 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TgIDEVkyYM

    Link 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Dh5OKbSD_k&t=63s

    Link 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD5mQTAfV1A

    Gundry concluded from his research and analysis that the key for good health was maintaining healthy
    good gut microbes and not eat a diet that causes the bad gut microbes to overwhelm the good gut microbes.
    a. From these experiments Gundry came up with other findings:
    i. All health issues appear to be inter-connected
    ii. If you have heart disease the odds are you are going to have a knee or hip replaced because
    you have arthritis
    iii. Leading cause of death from someone who survives cancer is heart disease
    iv. Leading cause of death from someone who survives heart disease is cancer
    v. Most of us that have health problems have elevated levels of insulin
    vi. Insulin is a growth hormone, as we get older it should not be growing, in fact should be less
    than 10
    vii. Insulin also stimulates cancer cells and acts like miracle grow so increase insulin is very
    viii. The human diet changed significantly 10,000 years ago from hunter gatherers to
    agriculture/farming in which we started to consume grains.

    1. Gundry said our bodies are not programmed genetically to digest these grains as food.
    2. We cannot even properly extract the nutrients from them!

    ix. Sixty years ago we began feed our livestock, poultry, and fish heavy grain diets because it was
    cheaper and produced more of the various meats. Our bodies now do not recognize and
    cannot digest the nutrients in the meat and the fats that come from these grain fed animals
    x. Over the past few decades we started using Antibiotics.

    1. Gundry found that a single dose of antibiotics will kill your gut microbes for up to two
    2. The trace amounts you get from eating animals fed antibiotics is enough to disrupt the
    gut microbes to such a degree that the bad microbes which are like weeds thrive and the
    good guys die off.

    xi. Gundry said these key factors mentioned above are the root causes of all major diseases we
    suffer today which includes obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and a host of
    other ailments. Gundry said what is happening is that are bodies are simply being killed off
    because we are not feeding our microbes properly.

    2. Gundry tests his findings on himself first, then his nursing staff, then some of his patients

    a. Gundry developed a diet based on his findings and tried it out on himself. The results were astonishing
    and changed his life:
    i. He gradually lost 50 lbs the first year and lost another 20 lbs the following year, thus went from 230
    lbs to 160 lbs
    ii. His bad cholesterol dropped 150 points and good cholesterol went up to 80 from 32.
    iii. His blood pressure went from 145 over 95 to 90 over 50 and he no longer required any blood
    pressure medication
    iv. His Insulin of 16 to 18 went down to 2
    v. His skin tags disappeared
    vi. No longer craved high sugar, high carb foods
    vii. He has far more energy
    viii. He sleeps much better and is better rested
    ix. His once fat body has turned into a lean athletic build
    x. He looks much younger

    Link for free calorie count: