im hungry and just righting to take my mind off it

im hungry and just writing to take my mind off it before heading to bed.
i have execised well today 1 hour moderate biking : in the rain even
i ate very well : including my exercise cals earned

its 11pm for me here
soon to go to bed
ive tried already to have an herbal tea


that is my history of what i would do before.

instead, i am venting here online to validate that im not going crazy, and learing the true hunger pains, and or getting used to normal amounts of food/calories for my body.



  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I had one of those days yesterday. then one of my MFPALS said good he was gonna beat me in the challange
    sat.......that did not go over good I exercised and forgot about food lol
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    writing... sorry, i had to *LOL*

    and you're getting married this weekend!!!! think about that! Congratulations!
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    Good job! I've also found a good book helps, but it has to be good enough to keep you focused on it.
  • rosedavies
    rosedavies Posts: 2 Member
    I gave up smoking and am always eating
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Totally understand. I had one of those nights last night myself. I did end up eating, but FFFFAAAARRR less than I otherwise would have. It's nice to have this kind of control over my mind's pre-disposed tendencies. I'm changing them, but it's one day at a time.
  • sonalily
    sonalily Posts: 30 Member
    writing... sorry, i had to *LOL*

    and you're getting married this weekend!!!! think about that! Congratulations!

    sorry, getting married next jun. but still thank you for the encouragement
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    I know what you are saying. When I am hungry, it drives me crazy. Often times, I am "full" but feel hungry and am looking through the refrigerator for something that will take care of it. I might eat and I can't put anything else in but I do it anyway. Sleeping early helps. I might fall asleep instead of eating and I wake up just fine. Another thing, you might consider a light workout in the evening, then have some water, then go to sleep.
  • ApproachingDusk
    if you have any calories left in the day, when i get like that i would have a cup of non fat milk with a tbsp of hersheys syrup in it. kinda kicked the craving at least for long enough to sleep.
  • corymomma
    corymomma Posts: 405 Member
    Jump up and take a walk, or do a bit of exercise it helps me. That or a few glasses of water. Last night nothing helped so I did some peanut butter on wheat...and exercised some I just haven't been hungry and have literally only eaten so the food diary doesn't yell at me...
  • c_dudley
    c_dudley Posts: 14
    I was told that if I was "hungry" to try chewing a piece of gum first because it might just be that you want something to chew on but not actual food. And if you are still hungry after chewing on a piece of gum for a while, then you may want to get a small snack.
  • beamer62
    beamer62 Posts: 6
    Having one of those moments myself......huuummmm.....(tummy rumbles) Do I ignor it?....
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    chew some gum...
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    writing... sorry, i had to *LOL*

    and you're getting married this weekend!!!! think about that! Congratulations!

    sorry, getting married next jun. but still thank you for the encouragement

    Oh! Well, it's still very exciting :) *LOL* I'm doing everything in my power not to grab a block of cheese right now so I'm of no use to you :(
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    writing... sorry, i had to *LOL*

    and you're getting married this weekend!!!! think about that! Congratulations!

    Getting married? Congratulations!!! Stress eating? Turn up the radio and jam!
  • sonalily
    sonalily Posts: 30 Member
    i love this forum, it makes me enjoy spending the time before bed not eating
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I'm outta cals and almost said screw it and got some ice cream but thought I better not since I did that last night ;)

    Then I thought, maybe I could go workout again and that way I could eat my ice cream. Then I thought about how sick that I'm going over but it's with an apple.....
  • sonalily
    sonalily Posts: 30 Member
    apple is a much better choice, i made the mistake about thinking icecream would be better, then, it didnt taste as good as i thought it should, then i was upset that i wasted cals on something not tasty