Weather and weight

nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
edited June 2017 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
Have people noticed they've lost more weight when it's hotter out? I feel like you sweat more when it's hot and thus lose more water weight, but I don't know if that's actually a thing. I'm hoping it is because my weight has been trending significantly downward the past few days, but we've been experiencing a heatwave here in New England. So I'm hoping when the weather levels out, I'll stay more consistent. But I've only been in maintenance for the past 4 weeks, so it could just be I'm not eating enough calories. I'm hoping it's the former


  • Amber_hanson27
    Amber_hanson27 Posts: 66 Member
    When I'm out in the heat a lot it kills my appetite big time. The summer I think it's easier for me to maintain because my everyday activities are amped up with fun sunshine things. But can't say it has caused a significant weight decline. I live in Texas and it is more often than not hotter than hell and awful humidity. Cloudy rainy days I just want to eat it's hard to stay out of the fridge. IDK lol that really isn't helpful. How long has your weight been going down?
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    There is some research/evidence that suggests we burn more calories doing activities when it's hotter. The understanding is that in addition to the activity itself, the cardiovascular system is working harder to shed heat.

    I'm not sure how much increase was measured, but you can find the research synopses online.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm more active in summer, away from home more, experience less depression, and I'm less hungry in summer. Little things like that can add up, but it is definitely individual.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited June 2017
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    It's opposite for me. Although I sweat more when working out outdoors in the heat, I actually hold on to water.

    Thankfully I can't see or feel it, but it shows up on the scale and my ring is tighter. The water weight does go away when it cools down.

    I was so frustrated my first summer of maintenance when this happened. But after lots of researching I now understand my body and what is going on with the water fluctuations. Knowledge is power. Plus I know my calories are on point.

    Lastly, I tend to get hungrier later so when it's really hot out I need to shift my meal times around and eat later in the day.

    This is such an individual thing. I would keep an eye on your weight, especially when it cools back down and see if your weight levels out.

    I hold more water too...
    (op, not sure why you wouldn't want it to be that you're eating too little to maintain, isnt the opportunity to eat more a good thing?)
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm more active in summer, away from home more, experience less depression, and I'm less hungry in summer. Little things like that can add up, but it is definitely individual.

    100% this for me.
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    @livingleanlivingclean it's that it's such a process to find my maintenance calories and I was hoping I had found them and was all set.

    I'm definitely not eating more or less, I plan out my daily menus in advance and eat what's on there. It's just been a couple of days, but I've gone down like 3-4 pounds since the weekend
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm more active in summer, away from home more, experience less depression, and I'm less hungry in summer. Little things like that can add up, but it is definitely individual.

    Same here!

    Winter equals hibernation and comfort foods. Summer means more activity and salads lol
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I'm more active in summer, away from home more, experience less depression, and I'm less hungry in summer. Little things like that can add up, but it is definitely individual.

    This used to be me, too.

    I've been a cyclist all my life. You can ride a bike pretty much year round in Seattle, but raining and 40 F and dark at 4 pm kind of suck to be out in for hours at a time. So I tend to ride less. That can affect my weight, but definitely my mental health too.

    Then I took up XC skiing. Now I kind of miss winter. Feels like blasphemy to say it.

    Maybe they have winter activities where you are. Some places get a rainy season, the rivers swell up, boat people love it. A lot of people like snowshoeing. Anyway, having something to look forward to makes a huge difference.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    I've been less active with the heat. I can run on the TM, but our walks are shortened and we've done no hiking. Depression has me less hungry though. I hate heat and humidity.
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    I haven't changed any of my eating or working out habits due to the heat, I stick to the same routine regardless of weather. That's where I'm confused about the weight loss. But it was back up a bit today which I was happy to see, so I'm hoping it's just regular fluctuation
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I always have the easiest time losing or maintaining in summer. Not so much the heat, but longer day with more light means more hours to be active. Plus, all the wonderful local produce makes it easier to add more fruits and veggies o the menu (at a more reasonable cost too).
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I'm the opposite of most of you. It's HOT in summer where I live, so I do my 4 miles between 6-7am when the temp is lowest, but it's lots of indoor time after that. Plus we drink more margaritas. By the end of summer, the steady beat down gets to my psyche, and my will to do anything is dimmed. I usually stick to my mileage but slack on intensity. I don't gain every summer, but it is the time of year I'm most likely to do so.

    Congrats on reaching maintenance, op!
  • Pearlsss
    Pearlsss Posts: 10 Member
    I've read that our bodies naturally store more fat in the winter, thus making it more difficult to shed weight. All I know is that after menopause, that is when I gained:(
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    For me, water weight comes and I bloat with the summer heat. Here in Michigan we have also been part of the heat wave for the past week or more. I have been on maintenance for 3 years and have a scream weight that I don't go past. However, for the last week, I have been .5 lbs. above that scream weight. Would like to say I took it in stride, but I didn't, freaked out, and have been eating at a deficit to get it off and it hasn't moved an ounce. This AM I tried on my wedding ring (which I don't usually wear) and could not even get it on. Even the other rings that are loose on me were tight. So I know it's water and bloat, and I will relax and do my usual eating and working out until it passes. I will also hydrate a LOT and that's probably going to help to get rid of some of this bloat. So if anyone else has been experiencing the same, maybe this will help them, too.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Northern US here- summer typically means lower appetite and more activity compared to winter.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    People tend to lose weight in the summer for several reasons. Dehydration is one but it is likely to account for just a pound or two. Increased activity. Preference for lighter food because of more sunlight and heat.
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    jrwms714 wrote: »
    For me, water weight comes and I bloat with the summer heat. Here in Michigan we have also been part of the heat wave for the past week or more. I have been on maintenance for 3 years and have a scream weight that I don't go past. However, for the last week, I have been .5 lbs. above that scream weight. Would like to say I took it in stride, but I didn't, freaked out, and have been eating at a deficit to get it off and it hasn't moved an ounce. This AM I tried on my wedding ring (which I don't usually wear) and could not even get it on. Even the other rings that are loose on me were tight. So I know it's water and bloat, and I will relax and do my usual eating and working out until it passes. I will also hydrate a LOT and that's probably going to help to get rid of some of this bloat. So if anyone else has been experiencing the same, maybe this will help them, too.

    I'm in Minnesota (originally from MI) and we've been having yo-yo weather here. The temp will be 90's with high humidity for several days. I bloat, retain water, and can't spend much time outside because the heat wipes me out. Then it storms, rains, and the temp drops into the low 70's (like today) which gives me migraines, which means I don't want to do anything but hide indoors. Either way I have horrible allergies and can't exercise outside without my ears and sinuses plugging up (and I take TWO allergy medications!!!), and who wants to go to the gym when it's warm outside? During the winter I was getting up at 5am every day to go to the gym, but now my whole routine is off because it's light out until 9:30pm so I'm going to bed later and can't wake up to work out. I'm all out of sorts and feeling puffy all the time :( I love the summer (who in MN doesn't?) but it destroys my exercise routine.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    It doesn't make a difference to me, Winter or Summer if I overeat I gain for sure :D
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    It has cooled down a bit where I live over the past couple of days.

    I had a "woosh" yesterday and I'm back to my normal weight range.

    Heat/humidity definitely affects my body and causes me to retain water.