I'm very new to MFP and thought i would give it a try with the weight watchers program I am currently using as well. The 2 seem to work out to roughly the same amount of food MFP a bit less since I can specify how much weight I want to lose a week and WW I just have to go with the flow. Are any of you doing both? which have you had better success with?


  • Rlnieman
    Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
    I just joined weight watchers less than a week ago and happened to stumble across MFP last night. I have read lots and lots of posts from people doing WW switching over to MFP. I haven't been in WW long enough to decide if I like it or not and obviously just joining here last night I don't even know how it works yet.

    I'm hoping more people reply I'd like to know the same information. Too bad I already paid the $50 for the 3 months of WW before I found MFP. As a single income family of 4 I'd like to not spend the money, but on the other hand I'm wondering if it will push me more since I'm spending money on it.
  • lenny1976
    lenny1976 Posts: 74 Member
    I cancelled my ww account yesterday. Although I was losing weight following the plan I was paying monthly for the subscription and I find counting calories much easier when out shopping than working out ww points on my calculator in the shop. I did run them both side by side for a couple of weeks though and both are very similar calorie wise.
  • Rlnieman
    Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
    I think I'm leaning towards doing the same, but I still can't make up my mind. I have several friends doing WW and several friends doing MFP. All of who are losing weight.

    I think I've decided to try tracking both for a few days to see which I like better. So far as of this morning it was way easier to track using MFP android app. I love being able to scan a barcode and adding that way.

    I guess the real decision will come during dinner time when I have to use recipes. Most likely whichever is easier will win.