Me 3 years and 35 pounds ago. Does this weight look too skinny on me?

I was 109 pounds and I'm 5'2 so it was sitting my healthy bmi range. I've never been so confident in my life. I could wear any thing I wanted and not feel self conscious. I know everyone has there opinion but even when I was skinny I was told I was "too skinny". Then once I gained weight a few people told me I looked better with more "meat on my bones." This is my goal and I look at this picture often for motivation. I got to that weight by stress, not eating regularly and walking almost everywhere I went. I'm trying to loose the healthy way this time but is this goal unrealistic or too skinny? I lost and gained so fast last time but now that I'm doing this the healthy way, It just seems like it's taking forever to get the weight off! I


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I don't think 109 lbs at 5'2" in unreasonable as long as you can lose and maintain it healthfully.

    Do NOT base your goals on what other people say. Everyone has an opinion (the vast majority of which should be kept to themselves) and that should in no way affect your health and happiness. Only YOU have control over that.
  • dmacdoug108
    dmacdoug108 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'1" shooting for 108. I think the 109 lbs is perfect for you! :smile: Good luck!
  • bstewart39
    bstewart39 Posts: 7 Member
    I think you look nice not under weight at all. Keep working on loosing the healthy way and try to ignore what others say.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You look perfect and healthy, but if you only can reach that weight through unhealthy behavior... Maybe look for a middle ground? At least take care to eat regularly and try to reduce stress.
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    I think you look good in that picture. Definitely not too skinny. Always strange to read such responses of people. Stay healthy though! What is "Not eating regularly"?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited June 2017
    Molly_234 wrote: »
    I was 109 pounds and I'm 5'2 so it was sitting my healthy bmi range. I've never been so confident in my life. I could wear any thing I wanted and not feel self conscious. I know everyone has there opinion but even when I was skinny I was told I was "too skinny". Then once I gained weight a few people told me I looked better with more "meat on my bones." This is my goal and I look at this picture often for motivation. I got to that weight by stress, not eating regularly and walking almost everywhere I went. I'm trying to loose the healthy way this time but is this goal unrealistic or too skinny? I lost and gained so fast last time but now that I'm doing this the healthy way, It just seems like it's taking forever to get the weight off! I

    I think you look good at that weight.

    I'm concerned about how you got to that weight before and am glad to hear you want to do it the healthy way this time. "Fast" is not a healthy goal when it comes to weight loss. With only 35 pounds to lose, set your weekly weight loss goal for a pound a week and do eat all your calories.

    If you have problems meeting your calorie target there are always high calorie foods like peanut butter and cheese, and many many more.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    No. It doesn't look too skinny
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Be your own judge. You said you've never been so confident as you were at that weight. So who gives a *kitten* what people in real life think, or what we think??? Someone is ALWAYS going to have something negative to say, no matter what you look like. Do what makes YOU feel good, and don't put up with those type of comments in the future.

    FWIW, you looked like a perfectly normal, healthy weight.
  • jilleebee77
    jilleebee77 Posts: 329 Member
    Wow...I am 5'2" and I cannot imagine being less than 130 (and that is a LONG way from where I am right now) I was never tiny. I was always more muscular and meaty even when I thin. 126 in high school. The picture looks great! There is nothing wrong with it. I am just trying to wrap my brain around being that weight for myself and it seems IMPOSSIBLE to me.

    Good luck and keep moving forward!! Don't listen to nay sayers and do what you need to for you!
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for this post. I think you look fine in your pic. I am your exact height and have always weighed 150-170 for the most part. I once got to 140 and was told by many people I looked too skinny and sickly . What's odd is according to bmi I was still overweight. I'm guessing people get used to seeing someone at a certain weight that the change throws off.
  • Molly_234
    Molly_234 Posts: 89 Member
    GoldenEye_ wrote: »
    I think you look good in that picture. Definitely not too skinny. Always strange to read such responses of people. Stay healthy though! What is "Not eating regularly"?

    Meaning I would skip meals because I was too busy going to school and work full time without a mode of transportation so I was always on the move. Walking every where and only having time for quick snacks.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    I don't think you look "too skinny" in that photo.

    You know it always seems to be the people who are overweight that tell people they need to "gain some weight" or "put some meat on your bones". Really bugs me even though I know it's just they are subconsciously justifying their own weight.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    You do look on the thin side in the picture but if that's where you felt the most comfortable for YOU,then I think its a good goal weight to hit as long as you're doing it in a healthy way
  • givesometogetsome
    givesometogetsome Posts: 35 Member
    Those people are either blind or jealous. You looked good in that picture. Definitely not too skinny. Not even close.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You look good in that photo.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    you look amazing in that pic