Weight Loss Allies & Support

r3dfoe Posts: 13 Member
edited June 2017 in Motivation and Support
I think we are all looking for tips, help, support, what does and doesn't work, accountability, and friends within this community. I know I am. Please, feel free to join in with your starting weight, weight goals, end weight and current weight, leave meal plans, food and exercise advice or just ask questions. This is for people looking to add others for support and motivation.
Here's a bit about me:
SW: 299.9 lbs
CW: 225.9 lbs
Goals: 2 lbs a week
GW: 180

It has taken me close to 8 years to get down to my current weight but when I started this app I was at 237.9 lbs. I am looking to lose at least 25 more pounds before september and would love to gather more friends for support and advice. Please, join in!


  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi there! You've done an amazing job so far.
    SW: 63 KG
    CW: 56
    GW: 52
    I'm almost there. I gained a bunch of weight this past winter cause I was studying and working but got back on track 3 months ago. Feel free to add me!