Night Eating

I have a real issue here, and was wondering if anyone else felt the same. I find that during the day, I rarely have an appetite or feel hungry, up until after dinner. However, once it gets past about 7pm, I have extreme cravings for sweets/chocolate/yoghurt/ice-cream/really unhealthy stuff in general :mad: .

So I was wondering, does anyone else have the same problem? If so, what do you do to combat it?
Feel free to take a look at my diary (its public).

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    During the week I run into pretty much the same problem... Not hungry for breakfast, usually eat a smallish (300cal) lunch, then when I get home I'm famished. Plus, I've usually only eaten about 500 calories of my 1800 so I feel like I can go a little hog wild and still not eat over my calories.

    What I've been trying to do to curb that is 1) eat a bigger breakfast, at least some oatmeal or something, and 2) started trying to get in a jog or walk or do some chores right as I get home. This seems to help modify my trigger of getting home and eating. Plus I don't feel as hungry after a walk and end up eating less at dinner.

    Hope that helps.
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    I wish that I didn't have much of an appietite durning the day, I am always hungry. Last night I ate dinner, worked out, showered and wass relaxing with some TV and I felt like every commercial came on was something to do with food! Why do people have to make this more difficult than it is! I was craving something salty but instead I did the 20 min rule! (which sucks) I weighted 20 min to see if I was actually hungry or if the food on the Tv just looked good, and was bored. You are not alone!
  • mamaboobear
    I'm the same way, always have been. Barely eat during the day cause I'm just not hungry, but after dinner later in the evening I just crave carbs like mad. I am learning to just work it into my calories. I'm sure it will slow weightloss, but I doubt it will stop it as long as I don't go over calories. Some tips I have read from others
    -go to sleep
    -work out
    -chew gum/brush teeth
    -eat something healthy(ya right, thats why we have this thread, we don't want anything healthy at night! lol)

    I do really believe it is psychological, its like smoking, its a habit, and in order to break the habit you really have to replace it with something else. I did good for awhile, then my husband went on vacation for two weeks and all the old habits came back. Good Luck!
  • caza6464
    caza6464 Posts: 29
    I am exactly the same so i save some caloroes and around 7-7.30 i have a coffee made with mik, this fills me up and keep me satisfied till morning so i don't pick

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