Help! I am frustrated & need to be patient...

UGH... so a little background. A little over 3 years ago I was on Medifast (a restrictive diet where you eat 5 of their "meals" and one on your own... very restrictive). I did fantastic on it and lost over 40 pounds. I was within 5 pounds of my goal weight and we went on vacation. I allowed myself to drink wine (you can not drink a drop while on thise plan) & wasn't as vigilant on the diet. And then it went from there. The issue was i never trained myself to eat off of the plan & my body got used to 800 calories a day. I lost weight QUICKLY. Those 40 pounds came off mid Nov- mid Feb. I felt great but my biggest complaint was it was still my body just smaller... meaning i didn't get in shape because with this diet they limit your exercise! (sounds insane i know) You can't burn too many calories or you wouldn't lose weight! Since then I have GAINED ALL OF MY WEIGHT BACK PLUS 5!!!! Seriously. How depressing! Many times in the past 3 years i have gone on WW or even tried Medifast again. Doing MF for me is a quick fix i know. So I decided I am doing this the right way now, right? Okay...
so I got the turbo jam dvds and I am addicted to exercise again! i love it . I just started them on July 9th and have only missed working out 3 days. I was at a bday party on the 15th and a friend's sister lost over 40 pounds using MFP. Um, free? I am used to paying money for this kind of stuff so i checked it out and became a member on the 16th. I got a HRM on the 19th (which i LOVE).
SO.... when i weighed on 7/21 I was down 4 pounds from 7/15. Now, i will confess i am a scale-a-holic. I weigh myself probably more than i should. SO... this morning i weighed and I am UP 1 POUND! Saturday is my official weigh in day but it was 6 days ago i was down 4. :angry: So frustrating! AND... i burned 2,392 calories in the last 7 days!!!!! GRR!!!!

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I am on a 1,200 calorie diet. AND... i add the calories back in that i burn off and do my best to meet (eat) the minimum with the calories added. I drink water, water, water (well, a lot with crystal light... isn't that basically the same?) Am i just being impatient? My measurments have gone down a little (first measured on the 9th, these are of today... 1.5 off of waist; 2 inches off of chest; half inch off right thigh; 1 inch off of left thigh)

Suggestions? Tell me if you think i am doing something wrong or if i am on track and just being overly sensitive & impatient!:ohwell:


  • changeisgood55
    It sounds to me like you're doing the right thing. Just give it time. We all go up and down even if we follow everything perfectly. It's to be expected. Just keep doing what you're doing and you will be fine.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I agree. You're doing the right things so the results will come. Just remember, this is a lifestyle thing, not a number thing. Take care of the lifestyle and the numbers will work out on their own.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    If your diary was open it would be easier to help. My first guess would be you had too much sodium in the last day or two. If that is the case drink a lot of water and it'll help flush that.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. If you're doing everything right calorie-wise and doing all this working out, and losing inches, chances are that you're gaining muscle (which is a GREAT thing!).
    If you're really concerned, check with your doctor to make sure that your thyroid levels are okay and whatnot. A relative of mine worked out like a fiend and ate all the right things and steadily gained and after some blood workup found out she had an underactive thyroid!
  • Suunflwr37
    Suunflwr37 Posts: 11 Member
    I'd say you are doing great! That much of a measurement change in less than a month??? I would be celebrating like crazy with those results!!!! Weight gain could be water retention.... gaining muscle.... basically anything. The fact that you are losing inches says a lot. The scale will catch up. And if it doesn't... just enjoy the fact that you are getting "smaller" even if you weigh the same.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    If your diary was open it would be easier to help. My first guess would be you had too much sodium in the last day or two. If that is the case drink a lot of water and it'll help flush that.

    would help if would could see your diary!
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Yeah, you answered your own question in the title. You just gotta be patient. Making right choices about what we eat and how/if we exercise over time is the only way to lose and keep it off. On the days when you and the scale aren't getting along, remind yourself that no matter what it says, you know you are making healthy choices, and persist in that. Good health is its own reward. And besides, exercising regular will add some muscle (a little or a lot depending on how you exercise) and while you may be losing fat, you could also be gaining muscle...which is great! You can do it...just don't give up, don't waste time trying to take the easy way out, and persist!
  • HatFullOfCrazy
    HatFullOfCrazy Posts: 22 Member
    I lost 30lbs in 2009 and have since gained back about 20. So I know what you mean. My problem was that I tend to work toward a number and when I reach it I get complacent. Then when the scale starts to go up I rationalize for the first 5-10lbs and then I get resentful & depressed and say "Screw it, I may as well have some ice cream". I'm trying to train myself to make smarter choices too, so below is a some of the best advice I've ever heard regarding fitness & weight loss.

    1 - You didn't put the weight on overnight, so you can't expect it to come off overnight.
    2 - Muscle is more dense than fat, so if you're working out you're gaining muscle. This is frustrating short-term but long-term muscle increases your metabolism (making your body more effective at burning it's really a good thing).
    3 - It is possible to limit your calories too much which makes your body think it's starving and it will hold on to those extra calories. Try to stay in the middle of your calorie range - not including your workout calories burned.

    You can do this!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I think you are doing fine! You have lost inches and that is really the most important thing (yes, I know that sounds crazy....but I am also a scale-a-holic). You have to keep reminding yourself of one thing --- there are no quick and easy fixes! There is no miracle diet that will keep weight off forever. This should be a lifestyle change. With that said -- put your mind at a 1 pound loss per week. That is a healthy realistic goal (that often stays off) and it shouldn't disappoint. If you lose more one week, then fabulous! Oh -- and try to not step on the scale daily. Remember your weight can fluctuate by a few pounds daily.

    You're doing great! And your right on track! Keep losing those inches --- the rest will follow.

    (I am a scale-a-holic that also does Turbo Jam regularly.)
  • htrl877
    htrl877 Posts: 49
    It might just take time but it also might be what your eating (hearty dense foods or lighter but high calorie foods) and when you're eating it (try to eat dinner no later than 7pm). You can do 3 bigger meals a day or 6 smaller snack type meals throughout the day (every 2-3 hours). Its great you're keeping track of your food now and no worries, you'll see results. Weight loss and maintaining your diet is a commitment. Sometimes it helps to set goals outside of weight numbers and measurements. Are you a runner? or a swimmer? Sometimes signing up for a 5k or some type of athletic competition will keep you on track and ensure that you won't relapse (we've all had our days where we just want to snack-- I'm guilty of that). I just signed up for a half marathon for November and knowing that I have that to look forward to has kept me on MFP religiously.

    HW: 188
    CW: 165
    GW: 140
  • jessicao1972
    Thanks everyone! What a great community to have so many responses within a few minutes of posting. I need to look at making my food journal pulic... got to figure that out... It does say this ...

    Your diet Profile

    Calories BurnedFrom Normal Daily Activity

    1,870 calories/day Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 calories/ day

    Daily Calorie Deficit 670 calories

    Projected Weight Loss 1.3 lbs/ week

    At the end of the day it tells me i am under the calories and that it could slow my weight loss down (????) So this deficit of 670... what???? I am confused
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    right there with you, be patient with yourself. Like pps said, it's a lifestyle. think of it as a daily thing. stay on the wagon and you'll arrive at victory! :) i get frustrated with the weight fluctuation too or not seeing results as fast as I want. but you're on the right track. It's better to exercise more (and eat well) than to so greatly reduce your calories, like you said, and be "thin" but NOT in shape. Go for the fitness and healthy choices in eating, rather than starving yourself just to see a smaller number on the scale.

    and take measurements every 3-4 weeks. with ya sister!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Nothing being able to see your diary, I'm not sure but will make some general suggestions...

    1) losing 3 pounds in 3 weeks is great! Don't sell yourself short!! I get that it was easier before, but the less weight you have to lose, the slower it's going to come off.

    2) I'd wager that you're just experiencing water weight gain. Do you track your sodium? Too much will cause water weight gain, as you probably know. I know at least some of the Crystal Light has sodium in it - and quite a bit per serving if you're mixing as directed. Maybe try using less for more water or using something like lemon wedges to flavor your water instead.
  • jessicao1972
    crystal light has 35mg of sodium. what is an ideal total for a 1200 calorie day?