Time for change!

Well after touching 15st I've thought it's time to fight back and get back down to a healthy weight. After looking through recent pics of me I thought I need to take back control. Any hints and tips that you have found helps please share.


  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    Start with figuring out a diet plan that works for you. There are many different ways to eat to lose, but not all are for everyone. Many believe that you can continue to eat whatever you want so long as you maintain a calorie deficit, but that always backfired for me. Not because you can't, but simply because there were foods I had to restrict completely or I'd end up overeating. Kate and I do Keto and it works great for us. Also, find an exercise plan you like too. Once again, technically it isn't necessary to lose weight, but it makes it so much easier, and you'll feel much better on your way down.
  • benjaminjohnbreeze
    benjaminjohnbreeze Posts: 2 Member
    What is Keto?
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    Keto is basically a very high fat, moderate protein and very low carb plan of eating. We have less than 30g of carbs a day.