Rewarding yourself when RE-losing weight?

I'm in the process of re-losing weight I lost last year...and I'm wondering if anyone else has had this thought: Do I reward myself for losing weight when I already rewarded myself for losing it the first time?

I'm so happy about the process this time, and feel really healthy but I'm not down to where I was before!

Anyone gone through this?? What did you do? What do you think?

Original start weight: 248.5
Original low weight: 211

New start weight: 242
Current weight: 226


  • Nbaker0909
    Nbaker0909 Posts: 102 Member
    I still think you get to reward yourself. I lost 65 pounds, gained 33 back, and am in the process of losing the last 3 again. I rewarded my self for losing it again. And like you I feel healither this time, like it will stay off. Keep going and get those rewards you can do it!
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Of course you do! Having done it before doesn't make it any less of an accomplishment this time around!
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    I do I get treats every time I hit a mini goal. Treats for me are things like an arm band for running with my phone, new pretty workout gear, ECT.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Let's flip this around: Should I punish myself (or at least not reward myself) if I have to lose the weight again?

    I think that gets to very old-fashioned and rather punitive thinking about losing weight that doesn't typically work. The reason is that changing habits can be very hard, and just making it harder by revoking rewards or active punishment doesn't make changing habits any easier.

    Why be mean to yourself? Just be happy, get back on track, and stop punishing yourself for making good choices.
  • workin_onit
    workin_onit Posts: 102 Member
    Okay! Thanks everyone!

    Message received...I will definitely reward myself again. :smile: And yes stuff like arm band and new workout gear is great. Recommendation for a little bigger workout treat, amtyrell: Bluetooth earbuds!
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    Let's flip this around: Should I punish myself (or at least not reward myself) if I have to lose the weight again?

    I think that gets to very old-fashioned and rather punitive thinking about losing weight that doesn't typically work. The reason is that changing habits can be very hard, and just making it harder by revoking rewards or active punishment doesn't make changing habits any easier.

    Why be mean to yourself? Just be happy, get back on track, and stop punishing yourself for making good choices.

    Kenyonhaff, punitive thinking...hmm. will have to ponder that a little bit. I'm not sure I'm being mean to myself. To me that would be continuing with the habits that lead to unhealthy! That said, your point is well taken.

    Happy day to all!
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    I'm a big believer in positive reinforcement. You go get those treats and feel good and proud of what you've done. :)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    For me losing is all the reward I need. Well maybe loose clothing or a glance in the mirror.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Heck yes I reward myself. There are things you may need to succeed. New sneakers? New workout clothes? New clothes as the old ones get too big? It'll happen.

    And if it makes you feel any better: Original start weight: 387.2, Original low weight: 212.5.
    New start weight: 323, (after a very complicated pregnancy but still, I gained THAT much back). Current weight: 157.2. It's never too late to start again. ENJOY feeling healthier, and keep doing things that will make you even healthier.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    good idea.. i went from 272 to 170 lbs and was happy.. i passed out and disvovered my iron was low. i had iron infusion treatments.. i was hungry when passed out so i feel like i became afraid of hunger.. i had ignored dizzy spells and had several after the passing out.
    i know weigh 199 lbs. need to think of rewards..
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Ive gone from 283 to 155 to 215 to 249 back down to 200 up to 234. Literally all over the place. I bought my self a pair of custom reebok nanos as a gift to myself when I get under 200 pounds and STAY there!!! Well I havent seen <200 since I bought them last year. So that will be my first reward to me!!! They been sitting in the box untouched for so long! This time around Im focusing on not to binge on food and get off track. Ive had a few days during finals I did binge with the stress, but Im making myself get back to where I need to be to be successful long term.
    Right now Im between 212-215.
    My next goal and will have to figure out a reward will be at 183 pounds. Which will be -100lbs from my high in 2011
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    When I lose weight I have to buy new clothes. Is that a reward or a cost of living?