30 Day Shredders HELP!

Hello everyone!:happy:

I'm currently writing to you guys whilst sitting with two heat packs on both quads..

Well 2 days ago i decided to start the shred and was super keen to start burning those calories, after i had complete the level one workout i was really feeling it, which was great! considering i hadnt done all the reps as they were going and when it came to the bicycle crunches i crumbled..


I woke up the next day barely being able to walk,(mum laughs at my waddling) or sit to be honest.. anywhoo i thought i could still do some of the abs and strength work so i sis some push ups and some crunches when i managed to hurt my abs.

so today the pain was just the same and im still waddling everywhere..

Is this normal or did i over do it?

IF so what was i meant to do? so than when i am healed i dont make the same mistake:laugh:

(note: it was also strange since i do interval training twice a week, jumping jacks everyday and squats every other day)

thank you:)


  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    I cant say if its normal or not or what you could have done different. But my first hand experience was i was terribly sore after my first few days of her level 1 .. I also do all the things she does but i guess putting them all together. Just worked me out.. But i am on her level 3 now and i still get sore to the point i feel like crying cause my legs abs and arms are sore...
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I too had that pain when I first did 30DS. I think you need ice, not heat though. And it did go away after a while. Try some gentle stratching after you're done with the work out - the stretches on the dvd just aren't long enough.
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    So sorry to hear about your pain, that is very frustrating when you work so hard. I have not had pain in my quads like you mentioned, but I did not do the jacks and butt kicks the first day and modified them the past 2 days b/c of my other cardio plus I didn't want to get injured by amping up too soon. I wonder if the lunges are what did it for you? What a bummer. Hang in there, though, and I hope the pain will pass! I've been having pain in my hip flexors and am still trying to figure out which exercise (30DS, elliptical, running) is causing it.
  • Claire739
    Claire739 Posts: 114
    i found i really hurt when i done it up until day 4 when it started to be more barable
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119

    I was the same way. When I started the shred I had been working out fairly regularly (although mostly cardio) so I was surprised to be SO sore for the first few days. And like you say, it was mostly in my quads. I remember having a really difficult time getting out of a chair :) But, I stuck with it and the soreness went away. I guess if you're really feeling sore it might be a good idea to take a day or two off, don't want to risk an injury. Otherwise, just keep at it - it will get better!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I was sore after day 1 and wound up taking off about a month due to loads of excuses, I got back into it and was fine from there on out. I have found by watching the level before beginning it helps. I think for me I was so stressed about making sure I wasn't missing anything I tensed myself up about it. Just my thought on it. I say take a couple days off and then go back to it. Be sure youa re not over doing it and make sure the knees are not going beyond the toes.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Everyone told me that I would barely be able to walk after the first day of the shred.... I was a little sore, but no problems walking or even running. I found for me to ease the little pain I did have was not to be sedentary the day after... keep on moving!! Even if it isn't the shred, get out and do something! Also, ice would probably help better than heat as it will help reduce the inflamation.
  • FemmeAndi
    FemmeAndi Posts: 107 Member
    I did almost the same thing. I start the 30 day shred, doing it 5 days in a row starting out and doing 40 mins Turbo Jam on the same days. My body was getting tired and stiff, but i didn't listen to it and I ended up tearing a muscle in my back that really hurt and wasn't able to do my workout for a solid week and the 2nd week couldn't do all the moves.

    What I suggest, is that if you are realllllyyy stiff like that and hurting... then take 1 day off to recover and just do something light. Like go for a walk outside with your Mom. And make sure that you are drinking plenty of water.

    Also, take an ice bath. Seriously, run your bath cold, almost half ways up and put 2 trays of ice cubes in that water. Sit in that with your legs immersed for 5 minutes if you can stand it! And at around 1 minute, you feel something happening in your muscles, it reallyyyy hurts for like a minute, but then it stops, and you just stay in a couple minutes more, and when you get out and start to warm up, gosh does it feel goooddd! And the muscle soreness and stiffness is diminished to half the pain as it was before you got it. And it also stays that way! :) I did it for the first time yesterday! :)
    It's something to do with lactic acid building up in ur muscles and the ice cold bath makes it leave the muscles and also helps with inflammation from where you ripped ur muscles through workout.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Yes, it's very normal. You'll probably be just as sore when you move onto Levels 2 and 3. Take a day or two off, if you feel like you really need it. Otherwise, just keep going! Warming up those muscles through exercise will help with soreness. So.... The only preventive steps I can think of: Take an extra warmup (go for a ten minute walk, jog in place, etc.) and tack on a few minutes of stretching at the end.
  • I completed 30 DS in May and I can tell you I was very soar...which was surprising for me too since I was running about 5 miles a day/6 days a week. I worked through it and it did get better after the 1st week. I am on to one of her other DVDs "Trouble Zones" and even after completing 30DS I was extemely soar when I started that. Even though you have the endurance to do the whole thing becuase you have been working out regularly, with the Jillian Michaels DVDs you hit muscles you did not realize that you had ;-).....well at least I did.

    It's a great DVD and the results are awesome if you stick to it. Good Luck and I hope you feel better.
  • ivanaelly
    ivanaelly Posts: 31
    Thanks for replying everyone,

    just one more question, i have been stretching quite abit today but is there only one stretch that targets the quads (you now the one thats on the shred)?

    thanks again
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    the first day killled. Today's day 8 for me.. it does get better :)

    I haven't had too much pain from the 30DS, but when I run (barefoot runner here) my calf muscles kill every once in a while. I suggest: Stretch right after exercise, then ice and elevate your legs for about 20-30 minutes, and maybe take a small amount of an anti-inflammatant (I do ibuprofen... although I only do this after a major run, or major work-out when my muscle would swell more. NSAIDs, like aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen, work by both inhibiting prostaglandins and reducing inflammation).

    This is just what I do, and it helps me. I'm not a doctor or a trainer or anything. Take some time off if you need, but stick with it- it does improve :wink:

    and the girl from bodyrock has a pretty fantastic stretching routine. I hope it's ok to post youtube videos. :smile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCg2UDQQPLI
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Ugh, we just did Level 1 two days ago. My quads and pectorals are still quite sore. Didn't think to use a cold pack, because I'm crazy I guess. I will do that after work today. Yesterday I just did a 20 minute fitness thing on netflix streaming to get some cardio in, but I didn't do anything else to let my muscles heal. Not sure what I will do today.
  • avendu
    avendu Posts: 5
    I stated level 1 yesterday, went for an hour long walk in the afternoon. Woke up this morning went to sit up and literally fell back down. The backs of my arms and the area around the belly button is so sore. I have hobbled around the house all day. Did some stretching and thought I would give day 2 a try, got 15 mins in and thought my right calf was gonna burn off. I am hoping tomorrow gets easier.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks for replying everyone,

    just one more question, i have been stretching quite abit today but is there only one stretch that targets the quads (you now the one thats on the shred)?

    thanks again

    That's the only one I know and you have to be very careful not to pull your knee - keep your knee pointed straight down and increase the stretch by sort of pushing your hip forward a little and your foot tighter into your butt. And hold for 15 or 20 seconds or longer.