Diet Supplements

Hello, I've been a member for quite some time and have not met my goals or milestone. I have caved in as times but when on track I'm just not seeing the results. So now I'm thinking of trying weight loss supplements again. I've tried SlimQuick years ago and it made me too jittery, I've been looking at some with ketones and such but the caffeine is insane.

Can someone please give me reconditions that you've tried and it works but not loaded with caffeine?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Rather than waste time and energy on supplements, I would instead figure out a way to consistently meet your calorie goals. When you're caving, what's causing that? Address that and you'll be able to stay on track and get the results you're looking for.

  • snacktastik
    snacktastik Posts: 7 Member
    edited June 2017

    ndj1979 wrote: »
    eating in a moderate calorie deficit always works for me...

    weight loss supplements are snake oil, save your money.

    why do you want something with ketones in it????
    lol snake oil, I have not heard it put that way. Ketones was recommended by a friend, supposedly it inhances more, moderating my portions is also a challenge, I appreciate your input.

  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    "If your weight loss is too dramatic cut dose back to every other day" I think that one is my favorite. If there was any magic weight loss that was effective they wouldn't even need to advertise it. It takes hard work, discipline and lifestyle change to lose weight and keep it off.
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    edited June 2017
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to properly digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    Note: I've been pretty good with eating healthier (meats and veggies mostly with only drinking water 95% of the time) and working out 3-4 times a week. It's difficult changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. Just sayin'. Carry on..
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to probably digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    If your body couldn't digest carbs you would be losing weight since the body wouldn't be able to use or store the energy and would just excrete it.

    edited for clarity

    Is this based on science or opinion? I'm honestly curious. The definition of carb intolerance is Carbohydrate intolerance is the inability of the body to completely process the nutrient carbohydrate (a classification that includes sugars and starches) into a source of energy for the body, usually because of the deficiency of an enzyme needed for digestion (taken for the medical dictionary).

    My previous diet consisted of pizza rolls and fast food and lack of exercise. Yes that is the main reason I am obese. However my younger brother isn't overweight and his diet consists of mostly fast food and soda. All of our bodies are different with digestion and metabolism. I seem to do better with eating lower carb. My dad lost 70lbs just by eating low carb.
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    edited June 2017
    TR0berts wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to probably digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    If your body couldn't digest carbs you would be losing weight since the body wouldn't be able to use or store the energy and would just excrete it.

    edited for clarity

    Is this based on science or opinion? I'm honestly curious. The definition of carb intolerance is Carbohydrate intolerance is the inability of the body to completely process the nutrient carbohydrate (a classification that includes sugars and starches) into a source of energy for the body, usually because of the deficiency of an enzyme needed for digestion (taken for the medical dictionary).

    My previous diet consisted of pizza rolls and fast food and lack of exercise. Yes that is the main reason I am obese. However my younger brother isn't overweight and his diet consists of mostly fast food and soda. All of our bodies are different with digestion and metabolism. I seem to do better with eating lower carb. My dad lost 70lbs just by eating low carb.

    It's based on basic human physiology - so science. If you can't digest something, it can't possibly be used by the body for anything (except fiber, which is used to help move things along), including energy usage or tissue (muscle, bone, or fat) generation.

    That is interesting. I shall have to look more upon that.

    Also. I am a medical lab tech (i run blood work, in a doctors office). I've never heard of a blood test to check for an intolerance to carbs. The only thing I've read that can test for that is a breath test.
  • snacktastik
    snacktastik Posts: 7 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to properly digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    Note: I've been pretty good with eating healthier (meats and veggies mostly with only drinking water 95% of the time) and working out 3-4 times a week. It's difficult changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. Just sayin'. Carry on..
    I share you carb pain, it's my kriptonite and I'm also obese, is fat fighters more like fat burners? Honestly I don't understand the difference between all these supplements which is why I wanted suggestions. I feel the need for some type of appetite suppressant to curb my snacking and over eating. I'll certainly check out the YouTube vids and good luck to us both.
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    edited June 2017
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to properly digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    Note: I've been pretty good with eating healthier (meats and veggies mostly with only drinking water 95% of the time) and working out 3-4 times a week. It's difficult changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. Just sayin'. Carry on..
    I share you carb pain, it's my kriptonite and I'm also obese, is fat fighters more like fat burners? Honestly I don't understand the difference between all these supplements which is why I wanted suggestions. I feel the need for some type of appetite suppressant to curb my snacking and over eating. I'll certainly check out the YouTube vids and good luck to us both.

    Well they aren't an appetite suppressant. I think (key word think) is they take the fat and skip the absorption process? I can't remember what the actual process is but look it up on YouTube for a better demonstration. The price for 1 bottle is only a couple dollars more than a bottle of the slim-quick supplements. The bottle contains 60 supplements. I don't understand the difference either. A coworker introduced me to them. Her hubby lost 20lbs by just taking the fat fighters alone.

    YES! We will both get to our goals! Good vibes!
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    Respectfully. Not everyone has the same body type and such. Take my statement as you will.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I felt desperate to lose weight and tried Creative Bioscience 1234 diet drops which helped me to lose fat. I have kept off 50 lbs for 3 years now by keeping it real. Persevere!