Diet Supplements



  • snacktastik
    snacktastik Posts: 7 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to properly digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    Note: I've been pretty good with eating healthier (meats and veggies mostly with only drinking water 95% of the time) and working out 3-4 times a week. It's difficult changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. Just sayin'. Carry on..
    I share you carb pain, it's my kriptonite and I'm also obese, is fat fighters more like fat burners? Honestly I don't understand the difference between all these supplements which is why I wanted suggestions. I feel the need for some type of appetite suppressant to curb my snacking and over eating. I'll certainly check out the YouTube vids and good luck to us both.

    Well they aren't an appetite suppressant. I think (key word think) is they take the fat and skip the absorption process? I can't remember what the actual process is but look it up on YouTube for a better demonstration. The price for 1 bottle is only a couple dollars more than a bottle of the slim-quick supplements. The bottle contains 60 supplements. I don't understand the difference either. A coworker introduced me to them. Her hubby lost 20lbs by just taking the fat fighters alone.

    YES! We will both get to our goals! Good vibes!
    ah yes appetite suppressants is a whole other thing, it's so frustrating when I'm doing well and the pounds still do not drop, so I'm desperate and figured this was the next step, I'll certainly take in all the feed back here.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    Respectfully. Not everyone has the same body type and such. Take my statement as you will.

    We're all human. Respectfully.

    To wit:
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    If you really feel you need something to help talk to your doctor because the only "supplements" that work are prescription. If you think spending money on a product will give you motivation to have a calorie deficit and move more then buy it but understand it's a placebo and won't have any effect without a calorie deficit. The laws of physics apply to all humans and there is no magic pill but a placebo can be a powerful tool.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    Respectfully. Not everyone has the same body type and such. Take my statement as you will.

    respectfully, this is not accurate. The whole "body type" thing is a myth that was perpetrated by a psychologist. Metabolism = metabolism. The only thing that increases it or decreases it is activity level.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to properly digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    Note: I've been pretty good with eating healthier (meats and veggies mostly with only drinking water 95% of the time) and working out 3-4 times a week. It's difficult changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. Just sayin'. Carry on..
    I share you carb pain, it's my kriptonite and I'm also obese, is fat fighters more like fat burners? Honestly I don't understand the difference between all these supplements which is why I wanted suggestions. I feel the need for some type of appetite suppressant to curb my snacking and over eating. I'll certainly check out the YouTube vids and good luck to us both.

    Well they aren't an appetite suppressant. I think (key word think) is they take the fat and skip the absorption process? I can't remember what the actual process is but look it up on YouTube for a better demonstration. The price for 1 bottle is only a couple dollars more than a bottle of the slim-quick supplements. The bottle contains 60 supplements. I don't understand the difference either. A coworker introduced me to them. Her hubby lost 20lbs by just taking the fat fighters alone.

    YES! We will both get to our goals! Good vibes!

    That sounds like something along the lines of Alli/Xenical/Orlistat. Very attractive alternative if one wants to walk around uncontrollably gushing liquid orange poo. Here's a great thread from the past in which a number of people detailed their experience with Xenical/Alli:
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    Honestly I think that if you decide you want a "program"...choose Nutrisystem or something that sends you actual food in the proper quantities and follow that program. but to take a pill or drops or something...thats just total woo.
  • blackcars7411
    blackcars7411 Posts: 41 Member
    Nothing over the counter works. U will be better off talking with your Dr for a prescription appetite suppressant or other ways to lose weight that he/she can safely & effectively offer.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    Pizza rolls and fast food also have plenty of protein and fat not just carbs. Oh and they all have calories which is what matters
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    edited June 2017
    Just create a smaller deficit if you get hungrier. When I first started cutting I went from 2200-1600 and that was a brutal couple weeks to adjust. In hindsight I should have tapered down but you know, we all want it yesterday. (and those calories aren't particularly low either, couldn't imagine less ugh)
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to properly digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    Note: I've been pretty good with eating healthier (meats and veggies mostly with only drinking water 95% of the time) and working out 3-4 times a week. It's difficult changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. Just sayin'. Carry on..
    I share you carb pain, it's my kriptonite and I'm also obese, is fat fighters more like fat burners? Honestly I don't understand the difference between all these supplements which is why I wanted suggestions. I feel the need for some type of appetite suppressant to curb my snacking and over eating. I'll certainly check out the YouTube vids and good luck to us both.

    Well they aren't an appetite suppressant. I think (key word think) is they take the fat and skip the absorption process? I can't remember what the actual process is but look it up on YouTube for a better demonstration. The price for 1 bottle is only a couple dollars more than a bottle of the slim-quick supplements. The bottle contains 60 supplements. I don't understand the difference either. A coworker introduced me to them. Her hubby lost 20lbs by just taking the fat fighters alone.

    YES! We will both get to our goals! Good vibes!

    That sounds like something along the lines of Alli/Xenical/Orlistat. Very attractive alternative if one wants to walk around uncontrollably gushing liquid orange poo. Here's a great thread from the past in which a number of people detailed their experience with Xenical/Alli:

    HAHAHA oh man...that thread :grimace: I feel sorry for some of those folks....
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    edited June 2017
    Nothing over the counter works. U will be better off talking with your Dr for a prescription appetite suppressant or other ways to lose weight that he/she can safely & effectively offer.

    there isn't any suppliment, dr prescribed or otherwise that is the answer.

    but some don't believe...cuz its hard and maybe a little scary and has the notion of failure that looms over their past. its not a quick solution and many feel desperate for results.

    i'm just a firm believer that you must log and weigh for an extended period of time to educate yourself on food and their associated calories and also just as important how your body processes these calories. this education is priceless for the rest of your life.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    edited June 2017
    Fat burner recommendations aside, what is your actual plan for weight loss? Will you weigh and track or are you looking for a "take this and don't eat that" kind of program to follow. How you plan and EXECUTE this effort is going to make a much more significant difference than ketones and ECA stacks or whatever
  • chelllsea124
    chelllsea124 Posts: 336 Member
    Take it from someone who has tried it all... The only thing that really works is changing your diet, eating at a deficit and increasing your activity levels. Save your money and spend it on good food :)

  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    edited June 2017
    Here's a pic of a nice car from universal. Good luck OP!
  • snacktastik
    snacktastik Posts: 7 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    bdbchick wrote: »
    Respectfully. Not everyone has the same body type and such. Take my statement as you will.

    respectfully, this is not accurate. The whole "body type" thing is a myth that was perpetrated by a psychologist. Metabolism = metabolism. The only thing that increases it or decreases it is activity level.
    Really? I have friends that can eat everything including the kitchen sink and do not gain weight, I feel if I even look at a piece of cake I gain lol, how can my metabolism be on their level as the same or am I misunderstanding?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I've had the same issues you've had OP. I've tried SlimQuick as well and I didn't like the supplements. I know it might not be a popular opinion but I've been taking the fat fighters from ItWorks and i've lost 3 pounds in the past couple of days. I've taken it when I've had a high calorie meal. That is with eating out at dinner and having booze. I know weight fluctuates and such, but, I'm still experimenting but it's worth a mention. I've been wanting to find something to balance everything out as my body can't seem to properly digest a certain amount of carbs (I'm pretty sure this is why I'm so obese). Look some vids up Youtube on how they work. Good luck.

    Note: I've been pretty good with eating healthier (meats and veggies mostly with only drinking water 95% of the time) and working out 3-4 times a week. It's difficult changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. Just sayin'. Carry on..

    a friend of ours took that crap from it works 3 months later she had issues with her liver and she never had an issue before taking them, she couldnt even get out of bed. she stopped taking them and a few months later her liver issues cleared up and she was back to being herself again.your body needs some fat for hormone production. so if you lost weight it wasnt fat you lost not 3 lbs in 3 days unless you were eating very low calories.