doing good with excercise but cant control eating at night

hi all,

i really want to drop 2 dress sizes in 3 months , im doing really well excercise wise and okay with day time eating, i just lose it of an evening.

ill make something healthy likew tune rice and veg but then decid ill have half a garlic baguetter and 2 tortilla wraps every night!!! i also know this is very carb tastic and i go to bed shortly after eating.... help me!!!!!


  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I usually try to leave over about 90 calories for 2 cups of Skinny Pop popcorn at night. And there's nothing wrong with eating carbs.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I eat till 11:30pm every night. I just stay within my calories. Since I eat so late, I don't eat again till after 12:00pm.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • jenniferozzy
    jenniferozzy Posts: 33 Member
    Oh i know carbs are okay, but im worried that i eat so much of them late at night, i do well all day then boom
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Is your late night eating just out of habit? Or is it possible that you are lacking in nutrition through the day and therefore getting hunger signals at the end of the day?

    If it were me I would try upping the fat at dinner, for me that helps to keep me feeling satisfied and less likely to get hungry before bed.
  • jenniferozzy
    jenniferozzy Posts: 33 Member
    i think its habit now as ive done it for so long :(
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Maybe you need to increase your calories slightly and have more for breakfast and lunch? You could also try skipping breakfast to save more calories for dinner/after dinner. Some people find the first method works for them and others find the second one works for them.

    In you case you might also need to plan in advance and when the pre-planned food is gone you tell yourself that the kitchen is closed, then go find something else to do.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Save calories for a night time snack. Plan one that you like that meets your needs. If you are not getting enough protein during the day than maybe something like cottage cheese.
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    I tend to floss and brush. Then I can only have water. Or I eat something super fibrous like a carrot.

    I a, also going to bed earlier.
  • tdrexler4
    tdrexler4 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem... and mostly it is out of habit. However, I often have a portion control issue as well... I'd be happy to be an accountability buddy with you?
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    It could be habit.

    It could be that you aren't eating enough during the day. Maybe your deficit is too big?

    If it's not, pre-plan a delicious evening Carby snack.
  • mom2kateRH
    mom2kateRH Posts: 178 Member
    edited June 2017
    In the past, I've always "saved" a bunch of calories for evening meal/snack, because I tend to eat the most at that time. However, what would happen is then I would just do mindless eating, thinking, "Oh, I have a ton of calories left for today, Yay!" Before I knew it, I would be way over calorie goal, because I was not thinking about what I was eating for dinner, etc.

    what I'm doing this time, and it's really been working for me, is eating much more for breakfast and lunch. NOT because I think when you eat calories matters in terms of weight loss (I don't believe the whole "no calories after 10 pm), but to prevent myself from triggering a mindless eating episode. I know it seems kind of counter intuitive. But for me, having fewer calories going into dinnertime/evening forces me to be more mindful, and then helps me avoid binging and going over.

    Obviously, if mindless eating is not the issue, but truly being hungry or not satisfied is the issue, this probably is not the strategy for you to employee. but just a thought! good luck
  • nlwrfa
    nlwrfa Posts: 118 Member
    I always notice myself starved the day after working out. Someone suggested drinking peppermint tea... I haven't tried it myself as I can't drink things when it's 95* out and 75% humidity...
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating at night. I eat most of my calories at night and lose just fine. If that is when you are hungry eat less during the day. If you are eating out of boredom find something to do.
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    I have something to say: for a month, my dinner usually is fruit salad but I don't feel hungry even if I stay up late, why? Because I practise playing the guitar for about two hours and play games with my friends, busy and happy, then I don't even feel hungry or desire for food.
  • DezYaoified
    DezYaoified Posts: 143 Member
    polekitten wrote: »
    hi all,

    i really want to drop 2 dress sizes in 3 months , im doing really well excercise wise and okay with day time eating, i just lose it of an evening.

    ill make something healthy likew tune rice and veg but then decid ill have half a garlic baguetter and 2 tortilla wraps every night!!! i also know this is very carb tastic and i go to bed shortly after eating.... help me!!!!!

    I try to end my day by eating grapefruit. I want to train my mind and body into knowing that grapefruit is the end of my eating day.

    Plus nothing really tastes right after grapefruit so when i try to eat after i dont even get half way before i stop.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Save calories just for that night time snack eating. Timing of when we eat doesn't matter.

    I used to have the same habit but I felt I was eating more than necessary, I was actually going over my calories a lot of the time and we all know what happens then! So I made a pact with myself to only have one snack after my dinner, I hold off having that with a cuppa around 7 ish and from then on the kitchen is closed for me! It took a bit of working at to get myself out of the notion/habit of wanting to eat but it ended up being just a notion and I don't even think about snacking in the evenings any more.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    If your eating because your tried maybe go to bed? May be time to take up knitting, keeps the hands busy.