12 hours of crying.



  • fubar66
    fubar66 Posts: 3
    Hi I have similar probs , have been a member on here now for a month & have lost 11lb - life probably feels bad at the minute but it will get better -I take small steps every day ie instead of living on sandwiches replace some with low fat ready meals take 1 day at a time -& if you do slip up dont hate yourself for it ! start afresh tomorrow & I BET AFTER A WEEK OR SO you will be posting about your weight loss - feel free to add me as a friend -chin up - Dave
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    you can do this your a strong woman. We're all here to support you and we beleive in you!!!! Good luck feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    I'm so sorry, hon! That is a lot to take in one day. I've been at rock bottom before (not necessarily with weight issues, but with other really difficult things), and have cried for days (weeks, months...) over them. But it does sound like you've got family and friends who care about you, so that's good. And there's plenty of support and motivation here. Change is difficult, and results don't happen overnight, but you CAN do this. One step at a time. Focus on small, achievable goals.
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    Aw!! Here's a big hug!! :flowerforyou:

    Now it's time to wash your face, smile & get to work! You can do this! Just don't get too impatient. Everything will not change overnight. You're here, so that's an awesome start. Just logging your food for a few days will show you where you can make some relatively easy changes. I found several foods very surprising when I first started logging. Then start moving. Again, don't rush it. Start off with some evening walks. Then add more as you feel stronger. You'll be pleasantly surprised how quickly that will happen.

    Good luck! You CAN do this!!
  • heatheramara
    Don't give up. Never quit. Never quit on yourself. You can't change what you did yesterday. Focus on what you are going to do today. Love yourself a little bit, to heal some of the hurt inside. Take a few minutes to write down your good qualities, the things you like about yourself. Then call a friend and tell them you need some support. Don't go into the whole story, because it's too fresh, just ask them to say something nice to you, about you.

    My advice for moving forward? Start with the smallest changes you feel comfortable with. If the best you can do right now is not gain anymore, then that's where you start. Believe me, if I had just focused on NOT GAINING 5 years ago, I'd be 20 pounds better off than I am today.

    During times when our hearts are broken, it's very tempting to ignore the negative effects of the small things we do to make ourselves feel better. Maybe you could start by not eating any of that candy they keep in the house. It's hard, I know it's hard, believe me, but I also know you can do it. You already know what the candy tastes like, and let's face it, it's not really as good in our mouths as it is in our minds. We imagine it tastes better than it really does. And it definitely doesn't make us FEEL good in our hearts when it's clouded by that that little sting of guilt.

    Try this exercise: Imagine yourself having the BEST dessert you can imagine. Take your time thinking about it. Imagine having it in Paris, or some place you think is equally special. Then imagine slowly taking the first bite. Savor it. Really try to imagine what it would taste like. Then have two more bites. Savoring each one as much as the first. Then...imagine putting down the spoon or the fork, gently folding your napkin next to the plate, and walking off happily into the sunshiny day, fulling satisfied, strong, smiling a joyful smile, and facing the future.

    THAT's got to be better than any lame old piece of store-bought candy. And satisfying on the inside, because you WILL be that woman one day soon.
  • lveguilla
    lveguilla Posts: 2
    :wink: YES U CAN!!!! YOU ARE IN CONTROL!!! DONT FEEL THAT WAY....MAKE a CHANGE TODAY!!!! You CAN eat bread...just watch the amount your eating....Eat more fruits and vegetables...stay away from soda and sweetened drinks....DRINK LOTS of water...start walking today....try 3o mins a day and you'll start dropping lbs!!!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND WORTH IT!!!! DONT LET THIS BEAT U!
  • SmileURLuved
    Take all the emotions and energy that you have now, and turn them into something positive. Love yourself..... And in turn loving yourself will help you on this journey that we are all on.. Don't be sad, be hopefully, today is a new day..:flowerforyou:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi Bianca....

    Yes... those were hurtful words to hear from family & friends.... but you know what.... at least they were honest enought to tell you to your face.

    That has t count for something...

    I rember being told by the manager of my old gym when I cancelled my memebrship, that I wouldn't be able to lose weight wothout going to a gym.....

    Well, guess what?

    7 months later.... I've lost more weight than I ever did in the 2 years I was a member.

    So.... show them that you can do this.

    Add me as a friend...
    I will be there to answer any of your questions or give you any advice you need.... You're young, pretty....

    and YOU GOT THIS....!

    I wish I there had been someone there to tell me this when I was younger...
  • gettinghealthy777
    You can do it. You have got something great going for you already. You are a beautiful girl! So, if your starting at the top, you have got a head start! If I can do it, anyone can. I was depressed and about ready to give up, but the people at MFP made it all worthwhile again for me. God bless them all. And they will be there for you everyday as I will. Remember that.
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Oh sweetheart, those are horrible words to hear. I'm not surprised that you had a good cry. I would've too and have done many times in the past about my weight.

    The people saying those hurtful things are trying to help you, but your friend in particular could've been much nicer about it or kept her big fat mouth shut, lol, i don't find those things helpful.

    My mum says similar things to me. When i said i've put on some weight and want to lose it she couldn't help telling me that she knows and how obvious it is, but she means to be helpful.

    If you want to drop weight and/or get healthy, you are in the right place. Everybody here has either gone through it or is going through it right now.

    When you're having a bad day, just remember the good things about yourself. That you are beautiful and you are changing what you don't like.

    We CAN do this and this time next year your friend will be saying Bianca, don't wear such a clingy dress, all the men are staring at you instead of me :wink:
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I'm so sorry, I know how bad that hurts...You are the only one who can make the decision to change...I've gone through years of people telling me I'm not healthy, and getting ugly looks from people. I would block it out and hold it inside the best I could. I started on this weight loss journey when I was ready to do it for myself. When I was tired of waking up hurting every morning. I know it's inside of you!! Just always remember to love yourself first, and know that you deserve the best :heart:
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Thank you so much everybody! My mom took me to the fresh farmers market and she told me to pick out anything healthy and something I like. I feel okay mentally Iam hurt I still have tears coming down and but I also feel stronger thanks to everybodys response and Inbox messages. Iam open minded to new things so any tips or ideas I am open. THANK YOU SO MUCH! God bless you all! And Good luck! :)
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    Sorry you had a terrible day! Children are cruel and don't censor their rude comments, and I definitely got teased alot for being an overweight child. But then, at some point in your adult life, you let go of at least some of your insecurities when you realize that not every person on the street is judging you. (This took time for me. In college I still literally was still scared to walk to the teacher's desk to hand in my test or whatever because I thought everyone in the class would stare at me.) So to have multiple people pointing it out, even out of love, is like a big reality slap in the face.