I feel sorry for those people who cannot put weight on

Us overweight people have such great sites and marketing at our disposal. Why is it that those people who cannot gain weight are discrimated against. You do not see commercials about weight gain watchers, with testimonials like "I doesn't matter how much cake I eat, I just can't seem to put on any weight"-Phyllis from Kansas city. I have put on 50lbs since I started teaching and I heard about this site so I am diggin in with all my utensils, I am hoping to keep my sense of humor while I think of all the money I will need to spend on my skinny wardrobe.
I was wondering if anyone has had more success losing weight by eating meals and snacks at exactly the same time everyday?


  • domi
    domi Posts: 4
    Us overweight people have such great sites and marketing at our disposal. Why is it that those people who cannot gain weight are discrimated against. You do not see commercials about weight gain watchers, with testimonials like "I doesn't matter how much cake I eat, I just can't seem to put on any weight"-Phyllis from Kansas city. I have put on 50lbs since I started teaching and I heard about this site so I am diggin in with all my utensils, I am hoping to keep my sense of humor while I think of all the money I will need to spend on my skinny wardrobe.
    I was wondering if anyone has had more success losing weight by eating meals and snacks at exactly the same time everyday?
  • ltsoccermom
    Did you hear about the State that has passed a law that allows (encourages) restaurant owners to kick over weight people out? We are not allowed to eat out in public? Talk about discrimination!!! The State Senator didn't have a clue. He thinks if we don't go out we won't gain weight? How stupid is that!!!:explode:

    When I was young I did not have a weight problem. After 5 kids and away from my athletic life (because my controlling "Ex" didn't like sports) I slowly gained weight. I didn't have help with the kids so not only did my "Ex" tell me I could not have time to myself he would make sure I was barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen where women belonged (in his words). Oh and women need to hold down a job to make money for his toys. :angry:

    Now I have a very supportive husband and we have been very active together but not enough to change my lazy ways. With a knee injury slowing my progress in losing weight the hormones put me over that edge of being as most would say is obese. I carry my weight well but I still am grossly overweight. After this years weight gain and high BP scare it was time to do something.

    I can tell you a restaurant kicking me out would have no impact on if I lost weight or not! What a STUPID LAW!!!!:noway:

    Sorry this might be a little off topic but when I heard that the other day it just burned me up thinking about it.

  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I thought I heard some news reprt that said there was a place, either city or restaurant chain, that planned to have a weigh in for people before they could eat.....
  • breakingthepath
    That would be Mississippi. But it goes without saying that bill isn't getting passed. Not in a state where two thirds of the people are overweight or obese.

    To the OP: I tested that one out, and it didn't work the way I thought it would. Instead of my body waiting patiently for its scheduled meals, it pestered and pestered me to feed it half the BK menu in one sitting. Since then I've switched to eating minimeals spaced out every 3-4 hours. Works much better.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I eat at fairly regular intervals during the day with snacks spaced out in there as well with a good deal of success so far.
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    What? Actually tell someone they have to leave the restaurant due to their size. OMG! That is crazy....that would actually cause more damage then it is worth some people (excuse me) are so damn STUPID and have no compassion! URG!:explode:

  • ltsoccermom

    I'm glad to hear the bill has not passed yet in Mississippi. I thought it had already been passed maybe just shocked at what I was hearing that I did not listen 100%. It makes me wonder how we vote in some people. This idea is very misguided.

    Thanks for correcting me! I hope you are right that it does not pass!
