To all the women out there....a general diet question regarding PMDD?

Do any of my fellow fitnesspal women experience PMDD and have any opinion on whether or not a lower fat diet makes PMDD worse?

I have been on a 15gm fat/day diet for 9 months and feel that my hormones are particularly out of whack. Anyone have any experience or opinions?

I made an appointment with my PCP, but she can't see me for 6 weeks! Just wondering....


  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    I have PMDD, but I can't help you with the low fat diet question. I've been using the nuvaring (stacking) since November of '16 and that has improved my quality of life dramatically. Of note, I experienced the worst of my symptoms during periods of rapid weight loss. Slower is better - for many, many reasons.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Lower fat made it hellish for me. Moderate fat = much better.
  • CornflakeGirl01
    CornflakeGirl01 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you. I am going to change around my macros and increase good fats. thank you for the response