Support for support - I'm headed for the stage

NassW1 Posts: 7 Member
edited June 2017 in Introduce Yourself
In a nutshell I'm a young happily married father of two trying to balance work, kids, relationship and healthy living. Classic case of looking good keeping healthy then once I began married life and kids etc my health took a back seat as other things become first priority you know.
Back in 2014 I weighed around 98kg (216)lbs within a year I sky rocketed up to 137kg (303) lbs in a year. 2015 I finally got into gear and dropped the weight and bait more I even began prepping for a physique show, say what.
Only to be thrown some life curve balls and before I knew it I had put back all the weight I had lost during2016-2017.
As I struggled to start up and run my business once again my health took a backseat. Smh, but hey "life throws you curve balls and you just keep swinging". Now that work is secure and managing time to maintain a healthy living balance and great relationship with my wife and kids it's so much easier to get back into shape. An I'm more determined then ever!!!
I've lost 4 kg (8.8lbs) alone this week and looking to get back into double digits before my birthday September fingers cross. And you best believe I'm gonna compete at that physique show. Happy and keen to support those on their journey #DL let's get it


  • ronburling
    ronburling Posts: 1 Member
    Kind of the same scenario weighed 145kg at my heaviest went down to 100kg by March 2015 then gained it back by the end of that year just started again 2 months back lost 5kg so far. Good luck
  • NassW1
    NassW1 Posts: 7 Member
    I feel your pain! Great thing is you've done it before and I guess from what I've experienced that you a wiser at making better decisions this time round! Can't wait for your transformation