Family looking down on you, what do you do?

I got a question for all you folks. How do you cope with someone that puts you down and makes you feel horrible for bettering yourself? My sister seems to hate the fact that I'm losing weight. I've been living with her for the last 4 months or so, and she has been increasingly hostile towards me when it comes anything food or weight related. I weigh all my food and weigh everything I cook. This pisses her off to no end, to the point that she makes fun of me most of the time doing it. Usually, I don't mind, I just let it go and blow it off. But today, today was extra special for her. She decided to cook tonight, which is very rare around here. I started measuring what she was making and she tore my head off about it. How stupid I am, how she isn't allowing me to do that to "her" meal, on and on, with tons of cursing and yelling. I don't know how to feel about it. Why the heck is she so mad about it? How does my desire for losing weight and wanting to be healthy affect her at all? 95% of the time, she doesn't even see me do the calculations or weighing stuff. It is usually done before I cook anything. I just don't get it. Sorry for the venting, but I'm truly lost on how to go about fixing this, without stopping what I do. And I already know if I stop keeping track of what I'm doing, I will balloon right back. I'm down to 219 as of this morning, and I am so proud of myself. And yet, I feel horrible for doing what I do, because it upsets her so much.


  • annefisher219
    annefisher219 Posts: 1 Member
    Family, LOL well, if I pleased my family they would all be standing with one foot on my neck. Blow it off - avoid meal time with her if you can. Don't even breathe about food or weight with her, keep it to yourself and if she persists, just sit her down and explain you have set some healthy living goals for yourself and you need her support and would she like to join you?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Shes jealous. Its that simple!
    You don't have to be "used to" this type of treatment.

    You are not a horrible person, are you really going to let them make you feel that bad that you won't achieve your goals, just to make them happy!?

    I'd just smile to yourself and know you are making yourself happy and overcoming your own obstacles!
    Either that,or put her in her place
    If she says "weighing stuff out is stupid" respond with something like "well it make be stupid but it works, I don't see you losing any pounds"
    If they want to treat you like €rap then I'd do the same back, they should soon stop! And tell them the truth if she asks why you're being harsh and tell them that they always take the p!ss out of you so you're gonna do it back,see how they like it!
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    My dad pretty much hates me. Has nothing to do with diet, I just can't help but think about it when fathers day rolls around. :-( Also, I know what it's like to live with someone who is always negative. It has nothing to do with you. They are just mean, jealous, and in love with the sound of their own voice. I'm sorry you are in this situation. The only thing that helped me was moving away and limiting time talking with said person cuz they even love to argue via txt lol!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Leoturi wrote: »
    My sister is overweight yes. Actually, a couple weeks ago I passed her weight as I was losing it. Found it out from my father one day because she overheard me talking to him about it and she complained to him about it. That is likely part of the problem, but I know it isn't the root, as this has been going on for months now. I was 268 when I came down here to visit in February and wound up staying because she needed help with her kids. I do so much for her, and it bugs me so much that she feels this way.

    I have been trying my best to avoid any conversations about my weight or about my calorie goals or weighing food for a month or so, but usually, if she sees me weighing it, or doing calculations, she starts up about it. I tried talking to her about it a couple weeks ago, and she thinks what I'm doing is really dumb and stupid, and that I'm not living my life. She gets mad when I go out for my walks, even though I go out at night after her kids go to bed as to not leave them stranded in any way. I cook almost all the time for her, I clean for her, do her laundry, because she doesn't want to, or can't be bothered to unless she has to. I get that she works, but to me, it is no excuse to drop everything else. And it isn't like I mind doing it for her. I actually enjoy it honestly. It is just the principal of the matter that I don't deserve to be treated that way.

    I've been disabled for 15 years. I have had my life taken away from me due to a horrible disease, and it went into remission in late November. I refuse to live life being confined to a chair, or a house. I really hated who I was when I was heavy. I was lazy, unmotivated, depressed, and felt pretty pathetic about my situation and life. I don't feel sick anymore, and I refuse to not give life everything I got. It is one of the major reasons I push so hard. I want to be healthy again. I want to feel good inside and out, and I'm not going to let anything stop me from achieving that.

    For now, I blow it off and do my best to let it go, but I'm not going to lie, it is hard for me. I take everything so seriously, and it is a fault of mine I know. People have put me down my whole life. Even my ex-wife put me down and ridiculed me, so I'm just used to this kind of treatment. I just don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to be put down, I don't want to feel like I'm a horrible person. I want to be positive, and happy, and feel like I can conquer anything. I think deep down, it just bothers me, that no matter how hard I try, people are probably still going to be that way to me, and it is hard to accept.

    Perhaps she is more frustrated and angry at herself for needing the help and is taking it out on you because you being there to help is an ongoing reminder of that fact.
  • Wolfger
    Wolfger Posts: 350 Member
    There's nothing to be done (tactfully) about people trying to control you. Ignore, avoid, or bull your way through it. If she doesn't like you weighing her meal that she cooked, ask if she'd be less offended if you simply didn't eat it at all, because you don't eat what you don't weigh. Make it her choice, but your options.
  • zipitzippy
    zipitzippy Posts: 86 Member
    Just focus on you and your goals! She's definitely jealous because you're doing amazingly well - if she pipes up again, remember, her words go in one ear and out of the other. You're worth so much more than how she's treating you.
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Or you could try calling her on her behavior, asking "Are you trying to make me unhappy?", "are you trying to make me fatter than you again" , "you sound jealous" etc.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I had a similar situation with my wife. We've been doing calorie counting for 4 years now and she is pretty fed up with it which causes conflict because I get accused of being obsessed. So we compromised. We eat according to the meal plan and once a month we go out and have dinner at a place of her choice and I don't *kitten* and moan it.
    Leoturi wrote: »
    But today, today was extra special for her. She decided to cook tonight, which is very rare around here.

    Trust me when I tell you one unweighed meal wont kill you or set you back. She is you sister, surely you could compromise since it rarely happens?

    I normally cook too so the arrangement that whoever is not cooking stays out of the kitchen. Causes far less conflict. If, on the odd occasion my wife does make something, I stay out of the kitchen and I eat a moderate portion.

    As for her general attitude, have you told her how it makes you feel?
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
    They can't change you
    This is how you live now
    You must become the most optimal version of you
  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    I honestly feel like she sees the changes you are making, and because she doesn't like herself and how she is at a standstill, she takes it out on you. Best guess is she has some personal issues and feels like the only way to make you miserable and go back to your old ways if she brings you down.
    Miserable people don't want to see you grow and will find the smallest things to try to bring you down. Congrats on all of the weight you lost and pay no mind <3, it is hard though, most of us here have been in your exact position one time or another unfortunately. :/
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Leoturi wrote: »
    My sister is overweight yes. Actually, a couple weeks ago I passed her weight as I was losing it. Found it out from my father one day because she overheard me talking to him about it and she complained to him about it. That is likely part of the problem, but I know it isn't the root, as this has been going on for months now. I was 268 when I came down here to visit in February and wound up staying because she needed help with her kids. I do so much for her, and it bugs me so much that she feels this way.

    I have been trying my best to avoid any conversations about my weight or about my calorie goals or weighing food for a month or so, but usually, if she sees me weighing it, or doing calculations, she starts up about it. I tried talking to her about it a couple weeks ago, and she thinks what I'm doing is really dumb and stupid, and that I'm not living my life. She gets mad when I go out for my walks, even though I go out at night after her kids go to bed as to not leave them stranded in any way. I cook almost all the time for her, I clean for her, do her laundry, because she doesn't want to, or can't be bothered to unless she has to. I get that she works, but to me, it is no excuse to drop everything else. And it isn't like I mind doing it for her. I actually enjoy it honestly. It is just the principal of the matter that I don't deserve to be treated that way.

    I've been disabled for 15 years. I have had my life taken away from me due to a horrible disease, and it went into remission in late November. I refuse to live life being confined to a chair, or a house. I really hated who I was when I was heavy. I was lazy, unmotivated, depressed, and felt pretty pathetic about my situation and life. I don't feel sick anymore, and I refuse to not give life everything I got. It is one of the major reasons I push so hard. I want to be healthy again. I want to feel good inside and out, and I'm not going to let anything stop me from achieving that.

    For now, I blow it off and do my best to let it go, but I'm not going to lie, it is hard for me. I take everything so seriously, and it is a fault of mine I know. People have put me down my whole life. Even my ex-wife put me down and ridiculed me, so I'm just used to this kind of treatment. I just don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to be put down, I don't want to feel like I'm a horrible person. I want to be positive, and happy, and feel like I can conquer anything. I think deep down, it just bothers me, that no matter how hard I try, people are probably still going to be that way to me, and it is hard to accept.

    honestly, your sister sounds.......lazy. It also sounds like she's afraid she'll lose her live in maid if you lose the weight and decide to move out. Her excuse to not do housework is because she works? Cry me a river- I work full time and am getting my masters degree and I still make time to keep my house clean and yard maintained.

    Are you able to go to a therapist at all? To help learn how to set boundaries and stand up for yourself? Also, are there any assisted living apartments in your area- not a nursing home but like a set of apartments that always have a nurse on call?