Menapause and losing weight

vip45 Posts: 1 Member
Hi I am 49yrs old and going through the change, I started training 2 months ago with a personal trainer doing weights, and cardio I cannot believe how hard it is now to lose weight I feel I cannot see any results, I watch what I eat and weigh my food out as well.. Is 2 months to soon to see progress, are there any ladies who are also going through this that maybe able to help..


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,217 MFP Moderator
    I'm not going through menopause, but I've definitely been frustrated at times with what I perceived to be a lack of progress. Question, though: How are your clothes fitting? If the fit is better, you're doing good things for your body, even if you're not losing weight.

    Another question: How honest are you being with your food diary? You say you're weighing your food, but are you doing the typical mom-thing where you might snitch a bite here and there from a kiddo's plate (or your husbands)? Are you logging all of your drinks? I had issues at one point, and it was because I wasn't logging those extra bites. Not on purpose, I'd just grab them and forget to log, so I wasn't giving myself a clear and honest picture of how many calories I was actually eating. Could this be happening to you?

    Anyway, welcome to MFP!
  • scrapperthoke
    scrapperthoke Posts: 12 Member
    Has it gotten any better for you because I'm going through the same thing. 53 and started the transition about a year ago. Have full fledged hot flashes, and seeing all kinds of changes happening. Did the same thing and went to a trainer not necessarily to see progress, but to retain strength and try and get ahead of it. This has been an uphill battle for sure, but like everything else I'm sure this will change too.