Need to loose 60 pounds

Need tips on what exercising to do to loose up to 60 pounds.


  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    Try the general diet and weight loss forum, and read the "most helpful" posts thread. There's a lot of good info in that forum and thread-- much more so than in this forum, which is focued on maintaining, not losing, weight. Best wishes--you can do it!
  • daciamatthew
    daciamatthew Posts: 8 Member
    I've lost 43 pounds so far. I can give you more information if you want to chat.
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    Eat less than you burn. Measure as many food items as you can. Logging inaccuracy is one of the first things people will point out if you stall.

    Beyond that it's really up to you. I like lifting and swimming. Others might love to run. It really doesn't matter as long as CI<CO. Do this and you will lose weight. You do not even need to get off the couch for it to work.

    P.S. Still find something active you like. Even just walking with significant other or friend. Active people tend to have better overall health. Good Luck!