BMR Adjustments.

danstvguy Posts: 46
edited 9:51AM in Fitness and Exercise
Shouldn't your daily calorie goals adjust downward as you reach your target weight? My start weight is 200 lbs and my goal weight is 173. At 1330 calories a day that gets me to 2 lbs a week assuming AMR of around 2330 ... so that's from a net negative 1000 calories a day. But I as gradually reach my goal weight my BMR calculation calibrates ... so @ 190 lbs wouldn't my BMR go down about 100 calories a day?


  • getson2010
    getson2010 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, it will change. After 5-10 pounds of loss, I have it recalculate it for me by going to "change your goal" on this website.
  • getson2010
    getson2010 Posts: 19 Member
    Sorry... It's in the "Settings" link in the upper right hand corner of the screen, then click "Update diet/fitness profile".
  • danstvguy
    danstvguy Posts: 46
    Thanks Getson! ... Tommorrow I will be adjusting my weight downward ( weigh-in). Lets wee what happens...
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Just curious, have you plateau'd? If not, I wouldn't do anything to your goals at this point.
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