BMR Adjustments.

Shouldn't your daily calorie goals adjust downward as you reach your target weight? My start weight is 200 lbs and my goal weight is 173. At 1330 calories a day that gets me to 2 lbs a week assuming AMR of around 2330 ... so that's from a net negative 1000 calories a day. But I as gradually reach my goal weight my BMR calculation calibrates ... so @ 190 lbs wouldn't my BMR go down about 100 calories a day?


  • getson2010
    getson2010 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, it will change. After 5-10 pounds of loss, I have it recalculate it for me by going to "change your goal" on this website.
  • getson2010
    getson2010 Posts: 19 Member
    Sorry... It's in the "Settings" link in the upper right hand corner of the screen, then click "Update diet/fitness profile".
  • danstvguy
    danstvguy Posts: 46
    Thanks Getson! ... Tommorrow I will be adjusting my weight downward ( weigh-in). Lets wee what happens...
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Just curious, have you plateau'd? If not, I wouldn't do anything to your goals at this point.