HI I'm back! Anyone trying to lose weight through menopause?



  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    Hello ladies! I appear to be in "perimenopause" at almost 51. I thought menopause meant fewer periods...not the case for me! I now have a 23-day cycle with three days of horrible cramps each time. I'm also about 50 lbs overweight and know it's not going to get any easier if I don't do something about it now. I'd love to get some support and accountability from others in the same stage of life!
  • PaulaTinker
    PaulaTinker Posts: 7 Member
    I am experiencing a bit of the same as rdevol, fortunately only one day of horrible cramps. Good to know there are others out there.
  • Kmdurbin67
    Kmdurbin67 Posts: 2 Member
    Ugh - count me in! Turning 50 in a few months and just starting the fun;-). Have started some hot flashes and am always tired. That plus the sudden ten pounds glued to my waist are starting to piss me off! Figure I need to deal with it now before the # keeps creeping up. Good to have this group - guess misery loves company!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Count me in. I'm trying to keep weight OFF in menopause.
    We have a group!

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  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Well . . . I am past menopause and it was difficult on many levels, mostly with the weight gain and fatigue. That's when I gained my 26 lbs and I am only now serious about taking it off. My suggestion would be to not wait like I did, but to pay close attention to your diet and exercise while you're going through menopause because it will be much easier to handle than trying to take off a whole lot of weight afterwards. I found the sweet cravings really difficult to handle, which I think is why I gained the weight. So watch your carbs. And good luck!
    DITTO THIS! I joined MFP to manage menopausal weight gain and it's been tooth and nail keeping the weight off. The carb cravings were like PMS 24/7/365. Not easy.

  • sassenach1970
    sassenach1970 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello All. I'm 47 and perimenopausal. No night sweats yet. I'm on the ketogenic diet and it has really helped me moods. And I feel great. SUGAR is the devil. In a nutshell I watch any insulin spikes. It's been a month or so now and I'm seeing huge positive changes mentally and physically. I don't mind getting older in fact I bet all you feel the same when I say I am MORE confident in myself (mind/body) NOW then in my 20s or even 30s. I refuse to fall apart. Healthy means sexy to me. Let's go through this journey together. We share this world why not share experiences.
  • victorias36
    victorias36 Posts: 28 Member
    I am here with you all. I am 50 and perimenopausal. I have lost 70lbs but I still have 60 to go and of course it is all in my middle! I look like a golf ball on a tee!! UUGGHH!! The thing I hate the most is the cramps. I never had cramps until I got in my 40's and now that I am 50 it feels like someone has my right ovary in a vise grip trying to pull it out every month! Also I have terrible mood swings the week before I start. I am such a witch that week!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I was thrown into full blown menopause when I went through surgery and treatment for breast cancer 5 years ago. I'm 57 years old and during chemo I gained 40 lbs! I still have 25 lbs of that which I cannot get rid of! Like so many others on here, a lot of it is belly bloat which is just ridiculous now. I tried the low carb style of eating which had always worked for me in the past, but not this time! Sugar is a big piece of my struggle. Sugar and carbs are definitely my enemy both weight-wise and health-wise. For me, not only do I want to look good, have more energy and get rid of the fatigue, sleep better and reverse this brain fog and horrible memory...but I also do not want the cancer to return and getting rid of sugar is a huge part of that. I just had knee surgery 7 days ago, so I've been inactive for a week which certainly does not help either!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I find the more support and motivation I have, the better I tend to do. I'm working to lose 30 lbs and keep it off. I'm looking to make lifestyle changes, and I want 2017 to be the year I take my life back! :wink:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Well, I can lose a pound of sweat through menopause every night.

    Isn't this this truth?! LOL!!!
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    Yep! Had my ovaries removed a year ago..I'm on HRT, but I'll tell you the few pounds I have gained does not seem to want to come off the matter how hard I try.
  • holligoodrich
    holligoodrich Posts: 1 Member
    Ladies, I feel your pain. Just trying to work through a day at a time (that sounds trite). Co-worker and I are working together on food tracking and weigh ins. This will be a year long journey dor me. :|
  • Outlawhorses
    Outlawhorses Posts: 23 Member
    Count me in.