Postpartum depression and no motivation

I've had weight issues all my life and had emotional and mental abuse about it from family members to accompany it. I just recently had my 2nd child I got up to 205lbs just before birth and 2 weeks later I'm at 171. I look in the mirror and can think nothing but negative and terrible thoughts about what I see. I now have tiny stretch marks around my bellybutton and hips and feel like nothing is gonna help me get back to being fit and looking attractive to my husband. I truly have postpartum depression and look to food for comfort and then feel even more terrible. Just wish I had some kind of motivation to help. Im not looking for a certain weight or size I just want to feel good about myself again. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Congratulations on the birth of your little one! That is wonderful.
    First of all, please contact your OB to see if they can prescribe some meds for you. PPD is really rough to go through, and meds can make all the difference in helping you be the parent you wish to be, especially when your hormones are all out of whack from the pregnancy and delivery.
    Second, are you able to go for a walk outside everyday? Sometimes being outside in the sunshine and in nature can help elevate your mood immensely.
    Good luck, and please be gentle with yourself. Pregnancy and birth are huge life adjustments. Give yourself and your body some time to adjust to adjust and heal.
  • pcarp0602
    pcarp0602 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much for the inspiring response. I'm currently looking for a double stroller so I can start walks, and hope that opens motivational doors to other exercises.
  • btlrldy
    btlrldy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! Please add me :) We can help each other. My little one is almost 4 mths old and I'm not sure that I'm not ppd. I've been telling myself I'm not, but I have a few loved ones who would probably say otherwise. I have stretch marks the same places you do and I haven't even really looked at my incision from the c section. Don't want to. I'm stronger than I was when I first had her and still trying to find myself again.
  • VainMommy
    VainMommy Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats on your baby!! Have you sought help for the ppd? Do you believe you have Depression bc you are down about your body? You JUST had a baby be kind to yourself .. and take your body goals one day at a time.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    VainMommy wrote: »
    Congrats on your baby!! Have you sought help for the ppd? Do you believe you have Depression bc you are down about your body? You JUST had a baby be kind to yourself .. and take your body goals one day at a time.

    ^ this. Please seek help. One thing at a time.

    I'm sure your husband will still be attracted to you... I think you are Making too little of him.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    There's a big difference between the baby blues and ppd. You will need to seek help for your ppd (if you haven't already) because its so much harder to deal with when you have a baby when you have a lack of sleep on top of it all!

    Your husband will still find you attractive! You've just carried his baby and he will know it takes a toll on your body!
    Have you tried talking to him,about how you feel? You could really do with his support right now!
  • Tulip9
    Tulip9 Posts: 145 Member
    Pcarp, congrats on your new little one. I agree with the others. Contact your doctor to ask for assistance. This happens to many mothers, and it's ok to ask for help. You are going through emotional and physical changes, so be kind to yourself! Enjoy your husband and kiddos. Hopefully you can take some little walks or sit in the sunshine sometimes. Take care.
  • pcarp0602
    pcarp0602 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for your advice, I made an appointment to go tall with my doctor. In the meam time I did talk to my husband, and he reassured me he's not going anywhere and he never will.