Back on the Pain Train

TheSkinnyChronicles Posts: 3 Member
edited June 2017 in Introduce Yourself
So.. I worked my tail off and was well on my way to being in better shape than I ever had before, and then life happened and I'm back to square (1).. and then some. With some guidance and a lot of praying (and nursing two feet that after a year have yet to heal), I aim to be better than ever.

Here's to.. everything! :)


  • suea5599
    suea5599 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! New here. My feet are my main problem. Broke my heel two years ago and gained a lot. Also neuropathy six years. I need some friends for support and i can offer it. I didn't know how to friend anyone on here.
  • TheSkinnyChronicles
    TheSkinnyChronicles Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2017
    Sue, glad to meet you! :)
    I've sent you a request!