Marathoning/ Eating Well/ Not eating animals :)

Hi I'm new!!

I am trying to improve my eating habits! I am running my first full marathon this Sunday. I would love to connect with other runners to find out what your eating. I am also newly vegatarian and thinking about slowly becoming vegan/ semi-vegan :)



  • ever_onward
    Hey Leda!!

    I'm new here, too. Best of luck with your marathon on sunday~!! Unfortunately, I'm not a particularly dedicated runner, but I am trying to become more fit. I have a vegan friend who's slowly teaching me more about vegan cooking (and slowly kind of converting me to being a vegan, haha). If you'd like, as I learn to make different dishes, I can forward the recipes to you. Right now, I don't know how to make much and have been doing a lot of independent googling for recipes..
  • elly0001
    elly0001 Posts: 191
    hey ive been vego since i was 5, feel free to add me- would love to share recipes/good product info with other non meat eaters :)
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    A high school friend of mine blogs at, although if you read her bio section you can read that it's a website without exercise.