Girly Question....... Ladies?


When it is your time of the you gain weight? :huh:


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    YEP!:mad: :grumble: :explode:
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    For sure! Usually from bloating due to all the hormones and increased urges to snack. It passes though.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    Absolutely! I usually don't weigh in on my TOM week for that reason.
  • Shanell802
    Shanell802 Posts: 37
    YEP!:mad: :grumble: :explode:

    My feelings exactly!
  • marshmallowmind
    marshmallowmind Posts: 82 Member
    I gained 3 pounds this month & it doesn't seem to be going anywhere even though it finished 3 days ago...
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    For sure! Usually from bloating due to all the hormones and increased urges to snack. It passes though.

    Agreed agreed and agreed. Sometimes being a female stinks:devil:
  • bostonbound85
    bostonbound85 Posts: 38 Member
    Yup. But it will most likely come off when you are done... Oh the joys of being a woman :laugh:
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member i also get the munchies badddd!!!!
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    yes, but it usually drops right off after I'm done.
  • Of course! However I'm a once-a-week weigh in type of girl. If I weighed every day I think I would become very frustrated since we girls do fluctuate with our lbs more than guys.
  • noturmom
    noturmom Posts: 18
    LOL- yeah but mostley water weight! I have trouble with over eating during the week before I start- but not this month!!!!! Woo Hoo for skinny jeans EVERYDAY!
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    So far I've had my TOM twice since I started trying to lose weight..and both time I have just maintained.. which is surprising so I guess it depends on the person
  • Yep..This past month I actually gained 4 lbs! It sucked! I hate it! =(
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Since I've been tracking, I haven't. It's strange...I do the same as I always have. Watch my sodium and drink lots of water. I try not to give in to the cravings (chocolate and crunchy stuff). I usually go up a bit when I'm done though.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I had to wait a week or so after to get a consistent reading off the scale. It was really frustrating!
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member

    it's mostly water retention
    just don't let the munchies get you
  • mesafford
    mesafford Posts: 56 Member
    Sometimes as much as 5 pounds!!! Usually the scale goes up right before I start and then once I am actually on it it goes down. But ALL I want to do is eat. I am having that struggle today, actually!!! Food is consuming ALL of my thoughts today!!!
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    I must be in the minority. I usually have good losses that week. Of course, I don't allow myself to give into cravings and I still workout. I have found that a good workout helps with cravings as well as cramps.
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    Nope xD

    I continue to lose regardless of the time of the month :D