
ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
I'm fat and useless have started this app so many times but gave up I'm starting again if your male or female and can help in courage me when things get hard please add me (Ann)


  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    Many of us started out feeling that way. Remember one is useless. And fat? Well, you can change that. I started here 10 1/2 months ago, feeling similar. I was overweight, fatigued and frustrated. In December, I broke 3 bones in my foot and severely sprained my ankle (I think we're just about back to normal). And I've still lost 60 lbs. Sometimes I'm still fatigued...that's life...but I'm happier with myself and I'm not as frustrated with... stuff. So, how?

    I log everything. In fact, I prelog each week. I plan dinners a week at a time (okay, I'm compulsive...I've got the next eight weeks planned, but we assess whether the stated plan will work based on current life events at the beginning of the week) A lot of people preach weighing. I do, sometimes, just to keep myself honest. I started cooking for my in-laws a couple days a week a couple months ago--because the point was to improve their nutrition/diet, I actually weigh stuff more now than I used to. I spent some time determining proper serving size. For example--the bread I buy lists 60 calories a slice, or 26 grams...but weighing a slice...well, sometimes a slice is 35 grams, so it could be up to 30 calories more. Be knowledgable and honest with yourself. And I walk. Try to walk every day...some days I fail. I work a very sedentary job, some people do 15,000 steps a day...if I hit 8,000, I'm pretty pleased. Do what your able.

    Give yourself time. It took time to get where you are. It will take time to where you want to be.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    You can do it Ann. Think about how bad you want to reach your goals and go for it.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Oh and you aren't useless. No one is.
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    You are not useless. It's HARD to completely change your lifestyle. Those who have succeeded didn't have it all happen for them overnight, they worked tirelessly for it. They probably even gave up a couple of times, too! We all do things at our own pace, don't let that discourage you. Best of luck!
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Sounds like you have hit rock bottom, which is exactly what I did before I finally decided I had to do this. Like you, I started over and over many times. 19 months ago I could hardly walk up my 7 stairs to my bedroom, it hurt my hips and knees and I just knew it was time. By following the guidelines here on MFP and following the discussion forums and listening to people who offer good advice (you will learn to recognize them) I have lost the weight, changed my eating to a more sustainable and satisfying diet, and gotten into really good shape both physically and mentally. For me, the time just had to be right and at 63 I felt I was running out of time to get it accomplished. You are not useless!
  • ann900mfp
    ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you
  • Claudializeth17
    Claudializeth17 Posts: 5 Member
    Ann you are not useless. weight loss can be frustrating. Hang in there!
  • ann900mfp
    ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks I should be a bit easier on myself this has been a hard year so far in Jan I lost my sister and in may I lost my mum
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    ann900mfp wrote: »
    Thanks I should be a bit easier on myself this has been a hard year so far in Jan I lost my sister and in may I lost my mum

    That's super tough. Two years ago, I lost my grandmother and sister within three weeks of eachother. You have my sympathy...hugs.
  • SaraVannaB123
    SaraVannaB123 Posts: 7 Member
    You are not useless hun, you can do this! Let's help each other
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    you are NOT useless, I think most of us started & quit many times before the right time came, this could be the right time for you. Do your best One day at a time or even one hour at a time & don't think negative. Our thoughts control our emotions
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    ann900mfp wrote: »
    Thanks I should be a bit easier on myself this has been a hard year so far in Jan I lost my sister and in may I lost my mum

    Hugs. I also lost my mother last month, it's hard to get back into the swing of life in general nevermind getting into a whole new one :disappointed:
  • ann900mfp
    ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not ready to give up but its a struggle
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    If there is no struggle, you're not really living. The things you have to work for are the ones that will mean the most--because overcoming obstacles is winning (and proof that you're not worthless, which you're not).
  • ann900mfp
    ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    You have toes but you are not toes ergo you are not fat, you have fat. You can change how much fat you have. Try not to be so hard on yourself :)
  • ann900mfp
    ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    Today can be the first day of your new life, if you want.

    Here's a thing: a long time ago, I would have described myself that way as 'fat and useless'. I wasn't, but I thought I was. My self esteem was rock bottom and I NEVER put myself first for long enough to think about what I wanted (for example, nice clothes in a smaller size) never mind long enough to put effort into getting it.

    A couple of years ago, I made some changes.
    1) I took up an activity that is the highlight of my week because I AM WORTH IT, and I am WORTH the fees.

    2) I committed to losing weight and knew at that moment that I would be successful, because I deserved the amount of thought and planning it was going to take. I decided I was going to care about what I wanted long-term and give my plans that consideration. I wouldn't sabotage my husband the night before a presentation at work by deleting his files, so why do it to myself every day?

    Set an achievable goal of weight loss per week and pick a garment that you want to wear that is SLIGHTLY too small. Then aim to get into it. Once that fits, pick something else in a the next size down, and target that. It's all about the mini-goals.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    ann900mfp wrote: »
    Thanks I should be a bit easier on myself this has been a hard year so far in Jan I lost my sister and in may I lost my mum

    I'm sorry for you loss. That's always hard. Would your mum and sister want you do be hard on yourself? Would they want you to live happily?